Pastor at John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church Has Been Removed From Key List of Christian Counselors

(Church Leaders) The Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC) has reportedly removed Bill Shannon, a pastor at John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church (GCC), from its list of approved counselors.
The Christian Post obtained a copy of a letter, written in September, from former GCC elder Hohn Cho. In it, he described filing a “concern or complaint” with ACBC, the world’s oldest and largest biblical counseling organization, about the practices of Shannon, who oversees GCC’s counseling ministry.
In addition to removing Shannon from its database of approved counselors, ACBC also removed him from the speaker list of its annual conference, held earlier this month. GCC remains on ACBC’s list of approved training centers for counseling, but ACBC is investigating multiple complaints against the megachurch’s counseling practices…to continue reading click here.
This article was written by Stephanie Martin and published at Church Leaders