Meet The Literal Clown ‘Casting Out Demons’ in Viral Exorcism Video

‘Richie the Barber’ is, as his namesake goes, a very eccentric barber. Along with his flamboyant dress and personality, he is best known for tattooing his whole face to look like a clown, along with a couple unusual body modifications. These including splitting his tongue, prominent piercings, and silicon implants under his eyebrows to give him a perpetually surprised look.

A well-known fixture within the L.A. barber scene, he’s been profiled many times for his eccentric look and occasionally famous clientele. Presenting as a walking sideshow desperate for attention, his social media history and posts are vile, crass, sexual, and scream “unapologetic pagan.”
About six months ago, however, he announced that he’d been saved and was getting baptized. He went from wearing “I Love C***” t-shirts and posting half-nude pictures of himself, to wearing apparel with messages like “I love Jesus” prominently displayed and posting sermon clips and bible verses.

Unfortunately, he fell into the Connection House, a hyper-charismatic church run by Joey & Shannon Tellez that checks off all the boxes of a weird and wacky time.
Meeting in bars and backyards, they teach that after one is born again there is a subsequent ‘Baptism of the Holy Spirit’, with the evidence of speaking in tongues. They also teach that divine healing is integral to the atonement and heavily emphasize exorcisms, laying on of hands, and supernatural encounters.
Shortly after Richie was saved, he was thrust into the limelight, giving his testimony at first and then quickly becoming an active leader within the church community.

Notably, a demon was cast out of him three months after being saved and baptized in the spirit, with the notion that demons can inhabit Christians a common belief in this camp.
Around this time, Richie began to help host and lead these nights of healing and deliverance, casting out demons, preaching, and baptizing.
He now says he’s planning on becoming a pastor where he can continue doing the Lord’s work.

Adopting the most charitable spin possible, he’s a well-known baby Christian full of zeal, making him ripe to be preyed on by creepy charismatics desperate for a schtick, resulting in a schizophrenic spirituality. There are no mature, stable, sound believers around him, which explains why his Facebook feed still has all those old gross pictures, why a few days ago he had his fiance tattoo his face on her neck, or why he’s still teaching and ministering when he is unlearned and highly unqualified.

Alternately, this salvation thing is all just a grift and stunt, and he’s laughing himself to sleep every night.
We pray it’s the former.
God has always delighted in using the unsavable and lost to display His glory and power. I pray this man helps bring many to Christ.
I wonder if James White and Homey the Clown use the same Tattoo artist?🤔
In a more serious note…how does that clown keep the little hat from falling off his head?
Stainless #8 screws.
I wonder if he knows Brian Welch ?
That’s Brian’s ‘Fresk on a Leash’.