Former K.Y. Clerk Kim Davis Fined $100,000 for Refusing to Sign Gay Marriage License in 2015, Will Appeal

Days after former Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis was ordered to pay $100,000 to the two gay men whose marriage license she famously refused to sign in 2015, her lawyers have revealed that they plan to appeal.
Last week, Davis was hit with the six-figure sum after a federal jury awarded David Ermold and David Moore each $50,000. The two sued Davis for not giving them a state blessing to the sodomy nearly a decade ago, prior to the Supreme Court ruled on Obergefell v. Hodges and the wholehearted adoption of gay ‘marriage’ became the bad law of the land.
At the time Davis had a choice – she could obey the rightful governing authority (her state constitution, along with state and federal law) – or an activist judiciary. Both are authorities of one kind or another, where to obey one is to disobey the other. Davis chose to obey the rightful authority and made national news for it, even becoming a political prisoner.
Predictably, her refusal to sign garnered her no support from Russell Moore, then the ERLC head and scurrilously nuanced debutante, who was quick to chastise her for her decision and made it very clear that she should have resigned from her position rather than continue to faithfully execute the requirements of her office.
Regarding the money, Liberty Counsel told the Christian Post that Ermood and Moore had no basis for receiving $100,000.
“Plaintiffs are required to provide evidence of damages, and it cannot be based on speculation or guesswork. Because the plaintiffs provided the jury with no evidence whatsoever to give the jury any basis upon which to enter a damages verdict, the judge should never have given the case to the jury.”
Praise God for individuals such as this woman who is willing to suffer in defense of biblical righteousness.