Podcast: Muslim in Beth Moore’s Church, Oliver Anthony Isn’t Real, Prudish Demons, and Is it Effeminate for Worship Leaders to Sing In Falsetto?

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On this week of episodes for Protestia Tonight, David talks about the Iman who was chanting the Quran in Beth Moore’s church and what our view of interfaith dialogues should be, the interview of Oliver Anthony and Joe Rogan showing that he’s not a real person, and the trend of exorcists and deliverance ministers casting out demons that are overly modest and prudish.
On Bible Bashed, Tim and Harrison discuss whether or not it’s sinful to sing in falsetto, particularly in a worship environment, and what the worship leader is trying to accomplish or convey when he does so.
The current crop of smooth – brained ‘Demon Slayers’ are wacked.
They’re not even funny. They’re just sad
Krick is particularly loathsome, garnering increasing legions of naive and undiscerning fans desperate for signs and wonders, making her the new darling of the whacked charismatic cult.