Landmark Survey: Most Church of England Priests Support Pre-Marital Sex, Gay Marriage

A majority of Church of England priests want same-sex marriage to be embraced by the denomination and to end their prohibitions on pre-marital sex, according to a landmark survey of 1200 Church of England priests conducted by the Times. Most respondents say embracing these secular maxims will stem and stall 50 years of declining attendance, clearly learning nothing from the trail of dead and croaking mainline denominations that have gone before them.
For decades, the deplorable Anglican denomination has been drifting on issues of theology and human sexuality. Led by Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury who is a simpish and effete hireling, the Church of England long ago abandoned all biblical fidelity, proving time and time again millions of members are not the least bit committed to upholding the biblical teachings. Instead, they’ve adopted the worst excesses of the woke movement in a pathetic and desperate attempt at relevancy, and it shows.
Described as “most wide-ranging poll carried out among frontline Anglican clergy, and the first survey of Church of England clerics conducted in almost a decade,” the survey found “majority support among priests for a change in law to allow priests to marry gay couples, with 53.4 per cent in favor versus 36.5 per cent against, suggesting that more than 10,600 of the church’s 20,000 priests would back it.” The denomination currently allows blessing same-sex unions, so this is inevitable.
Along with over 80% embracing the idea of the Archbishop of Canterbury being a woman- a remarkable shift in growth given that women only were allowed to become Bishops within the denomination nine years ago- the survey also reports:
The poll found that 62.6 per cent of priests thought the church should drop its opposition to premarital sex, with 21.6 per cent backing an end to the teaching and 41 per cent saying it should drop its opposition, but only for people in “committed relationships”. Just over a third (34.6 per cent) said the teaching should remain unchanged.
At this rate, a schism is all but inevitable, and quite frankly well deserved.
Yet more confirmation that England, like much of Europe (and Canada), is a predominantly post-Christian nation. How sad.