ELCA Pastors Who Run ‘Chaotic Bisexuals’ Bible Study: ‘Jesus died for our sins’ is not the best way to summarize the gospel…a better way is ‘Don’t be a D***”

Revs. Abel Arroyo (he/they) & Matt Zemanick (he/they) operate the podcast Chatoic Bisexual Text Study, which exists to “discuss the Bible and our times as Bi/Pan/Queer” folks. Both are ‘pastors’ within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) with Arroyo being the Assistant to the Bishop for Faith Formation & In-house Theologian for the Southwest California Synod, and Zemanick being the Program Director for the Lutheran Disaster Response, along with his other regular pastoral duties.
During a recent episode of their show, the two budding socialists claim that the gospel is not best summarized as “Jesus died for your sins” but rather “Don’t be a d***”
And like you were saying, like ‘Jesus died for our sins’ is not the best way to summarize the gospel. And I was just thinking, like, what would be a better way to summarize it, and I just keep thinking, ‘just don’t be a dick. Don’t be a dick, Jesus says,’ Like, period. Like, you know what I mean?
..I think it’s important to name that, right? Women, queer people, the environment, labor laws, all of those things align with the gospel. And like, in a world where God created plants and animals and all sorts of delicious things, now we’re being told oh, you need to pay $12 for a pound of chicken. You know what I mean? Like, if that doesn’t make you want to revolt…
Later, when asked what the gospel is for him, Zemanick responds:
“Oh, goodness. ‘Be a whistleblower, you’re free!’ That’s it. Or like as (unintelligible) would say, ‘Evil devours itself. Live like it.” Or like…”be free, people resent you, but you’re free.”
Antibiblical heretics.
All religion is groundless and based on lies and myth so does it really matter what fear porn they gin up? Not at all.
Funny these guys say ‘don’t be a d***’ when it is that particular part of their anatomy that men like this allow to define all that they are.
Things that make you go hmmm🤔
Spoken as someone who has obviously never invested more than 5 minutes researching what you so ignorantly claim to be “groundless and based on lies and myth”.
Sometimes it’s better to have the world assume you’re intellectually retarded than to take to your keyboard and confirm it, Mikey.
True. There are good books written by intellectuals that started out to disprove God and they ended up believing because they were ‘intellectually’ honest.
Mr. Armstrong is only pontificating, and there is nothing ‘intellectual’ about that.
Lee Strobel wrote ‘The Case For Christ’ and tells how he set out to disprove it. And he talks about his Editor, who examined the evidence and agreed it was true but the man still rejected it because he didn’t want God to be over him.
These 2 men are honest. Mr Armstrong-not so much.
How pallid and shallow are today’s heretics and apostates. Caleb Knox writes on Juicy Ecumenism [“Subtle Modern Heresies”]:
“They who propagate a neutralized Christianity are often unclear and rarely learned. Their errors are neither immense nor developed and, therefore, are not doctrinally neat. Often the one explaining them could not do so in a syllogism; they are instead taught with simple tautologies. I suspect that most doctrinal errors of today are not the product of scholarly errors, but mindlessness. They are not presented in a summa or treatise; they instead bypass both the speaker and listener in vague platitudes and slogans. This ambiguity is their amnesty. Rather than fight on the battlefield in daylight, with clear lines, they sneak into congregations quietly. The Trojan Horse is filled with lies that are hidden until they enter and burn the city.
“Church teaching is becoming less rigorous, less zealous, and less distinct. Messages now slide toward a more general mean, bound together by vague clichés that neither elevate nor disturb. We are led astray, not by persuasion, but by telling us what we already know and keeping us where we presently are. I do not fear the strength of these orations but their simplicity, not their power but their pusillanimity. It is vague moralisms, not strong, developed doctrines that the Church must guard against. Such heresies may be less clear, but they are not less dangerous.”
Thank you and I am in a struggle right now with my little Faith Lutheran Church ELCA in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan going “woke” and forcing these beliefs on our congregation.
So disturbing and in my opinion against God. Our Northern Great Lakes Synod is all in on LGBTQIA + ..
I feel like David up against Goliath