Pro-life Org Fires Employee After Viral Gospel Tweet +Being Blasted by Deranged Republican Lawmaker

Pro-life organization Ohio Right to Life has terminated their communications director Elizabeth Marbach, days after she shared the gospel on Twitter,  according to a report by The Sentinel. 

The fracas seemingly began last week after Marbach took a shot at a pro-choice activist, calling her a “murderous liar” for spreading pro-baby-killing propaganda.

The post resulted in her being called out by a Senior Ohio Right to Life official, who took exception with the tactic.

The rebuke was expected, as most pro-life organizations hate calling anyone associated with abortion a ‘murdere’r, ESPECIALLY a woman who poisons her child in the womb or uses scissors and scalpels to turn them into a slurry of blood and bone. Most pro-life organizations instead use soft tones, squishy words, and genteel speechcraft rather than the passionate and prophetic rhetoric that other groups like abortion abolitionists use, all to avoid potential fallout from a very public proclamation. 

Ohio Right To Life is no different. After all, they are the same organization that refused to support any abolitionist legislation because it punished women for killing their babies, actively blocking these bills from becoming law. 

Tensions high, the conflict was exacerbated after deranged Republican lawmaker Max Miller took exception to a post from Marbach expressing ‘There no hope for any of us outside of having faith in Jesus Christ alone.’ This prompted Miller to demand that she delete the tweet, calling it “one of the most bigoted things I have ever seen.”

Crucially, Miller’s wife, Emily, serves as a board member of Ohio Right to Life. This is convenient connection if there ever was one. Marbach refused to remove the post and instead doubled down:

After near universal blowback, Miller apologized, saying, “I posted something earlier that conveyed a message I did not intend. I will not try to hide my mistake or run from it. I sincerely apologize to Lizzie and to everyone who read my post.” 

This is laughable and shouldn’t be believed for a second. As one commenter points out, “No, your tweet perfectly conveyed what you intended it to. You just didn’t expect the backlash & now you’re attempting to backpedal.” 

Emily Miller was less apologetic, writing that while her husband shouldn’t have asked her to stand down from her faith, it was still wrong of Maybach to say what she said: “Max was wrong to ask someone to stand down from her religious views. He’s acknowledged that. But asking us to back down from our Jewish faith is also wrong. And we never will.”

Following this fight with Miller, which also irritated the Ohio’s pro-life pragmatists, The Sentinel reports that they tried to unceremoniously shuffle her out, but she refused.

Internal communications at Ohio Right to Life reviewed by The Sentinel showed that Marbach was offered the opportunity to resign from the entity or receive a transition period before her official dismissal, both of which she declined.

Though they have been relatively silent on the matter, Ohio Right to Life head Peter Range wrote in a statement that the decision to terminate Marbach was “not based on any single event as some on social media claim” and that they “appreciate Lizzie’s service and wish her the best in future endeavors.”

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7 thoughts on “Pro-life Org Fires Employee After Viral Gospel Tweet +Being Blasted by Deranged Republican Lawmaker

  1. Yes, a (((Republican))) lawmaker.

    Christians need go grab a clue and realize that Christ-rejecting jews do NOT worship the same God that we do. These ones probably worship Moloch.

  2. Those opposing her speaking biblical (and moral) truths are spineless cowards, nothing less. Disgusting.

  3. With each passing day I am realizing that ‘Pro-life’ and ‘Pro-choice’ aren’t as far apart as they should be and abolition is the only Godly position.

    I have thought it cruel to punish a mother who has aborted their child but now I’m thinking differently

  4. I always find it comically tragic when an entity is firing someone–thereby cutting off their means of financial income–but wishes them all the best. All the best would have been you not firing the person!

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