Disgraced Pastor Johnny Hunt and Steve Flockhart: A New Season of Grifting

(Pulpit & Pen) New Season Church in Hiram, Georgia is hosting a leadership summit for Johnny Hunt on September 14th. Along with Hunt, the featured speakers at the summit are Steve Flockhart, the pastor of New Season, and Steven Kyle, the pastor of Hiland Park Baptist Church in Panama City. This is absolutely shameful (well, it would be if these man had any shame). Here’s why, try and keep up…
Steve Flockhart was baptized by Johnny Hunt at Longleaf Baptist Church when he was twenty years old. Five months later, Flockhart was appointed as the Associate Pastor of Evangelism at Longleaf. As a brand new convert with marital problems and recent criminal history, Flockhart had no business being a pastor in a New Testament Church. The Apostle Paul spelled out the qualifications…. to continue reading click here.
Editor’s Note. This article was written by Seth Dunn and published at Pulpit and Pen.
Scripture has become non-relevant to many of these blind guides and their pretend-churches.
Young hipster pastors catch a lot of flack for the downgrade we are in but it really is the boomer pastors who should shoulder most of the blame. The Hunts, Warrens, Hybels, et all of the church world have introduced a lot of harmful ideas into the church. While they may be orthodox on a lot of issues, it is through their church heteropraxis that they managed to cause the most harm.