United Church Pastor is Keynote Speaker at Atheist and Agnostic Convention

The United Church of Canada (UCC) is the spiritual sibling of the wretched PCUSA and ELCA, functioning less like churches and more like temporary pens to house hordes of goats and false converts. Pro-LGBTQ, Pro-choice, and pro-every theological perversion you can think of, they’re populated almost entirely of senior citizens and the occasional blue-haired queer 20-year-old, and their membership reflects this. Between 2011 and 2021, the denomination lost nearly 40% of its members, a trend that reveals no sign of slowing down.
With 2,711 congregations, they’re also the largest Protestant Christian denomination in Canada, showing what sort of sick shape our neighbors to the north are in. (The second biggest, the Anglican Church of Canada, are hardly any different.)
This is why it should surprise no one that West Hill United Church Pastor Gretta Vosper is headlining a conference for atheists and skeptics.

Vosper is notorious within the UCC for being a vocal and outspoken atheist who is still allowed to remain an ordained minister. Six years ago, there was a half-heated attempt to defrock her via an ecclesiastical court. However, Vosper had too much denominational support, and devils and cowards populated the institutional leadership. Instead, she and the UCC settled.
They would allow her to continue preaching and retain her congregation and building, with the then-Moderator saying she could keep her job so long that she continues to offer her leadership “in accordance with our shared and agreed upon statements of faith.”
Upon hearing the news that the UCC was going to let her be, Vosper’s lawyer was ebullient, saying in a statement:
“Both parties took a long look at the cost-benefit of running a heresy trial and whether it was good for anyone (and) the results speak for themselves. They recognized there’s a place for Gretta and that there is no reason to separate the minister and the congregation.”
Vosper will be joined at the convention by the who’s who of pagans and atheists, including Dan Barker of the Freedom from Religion Foundation, Seth Andrews of the Thinking Atheist, Hemant Mehta of “The Friendly Atheist” and Matt Dillahunty.
Despicable servants of Satan.
Judgment will not be kind to these Pied Pipers leading the dim-witted to Hell…
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My how loving and Jesus-like.
NOT. This article is DISGUSTING and is entirely the problem with religion today, and why the ‘nones’ are the fastest growing religious group.
Jesus never said to HATE anyone – no, not even gay people. Jesus said to LOVE your neighbors, and even your ENEMIES.
Well ‘staff writer’, there is clearly no love in you, and thus no Jesus in you.
I hope you grow up and learn to get rid of the hate so that you can let Jesus in.