Trial Begins for Pro-Lifers Facing 11 Years in Prison for Trying to Save Babies

The trial has begun for five pro-life activists accused of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE Act) two year ago, with the Biden administration bent on punishing them severely and making an example of any who would do likewise.
According to a press release from the DOJ, nine people allegedly “forcefully entered the clinic and set about blockading two clinic doors using their bodies, furniture, chains, and ropes.” Once the blockade was established, one member, Jonathan Darnel, live-streamed footage of his co-defendants’ activities.
In 1994, Bill Clinton signed FACE into effect, making it a crime to block clinic access. If convicted, the defendants each face up to a maximum of 11 years in prison, three yers of supervised release, and a fine of up to $350,000.
Lauren Handy, one of the convicted who is also the Director of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) a pro-life organization dedicated to “dismantling the abortion industrial complex,”told a reporter:
There is no shame in passionately and vulnerably loving our neighbors as ourselves. The preborn are our neighbors. And we have a moral and ethical obligation to love them in action and word.
The trial is expected to last three weeks.
The rescue occurred at Washington Surgi-Clinic, a facility run by Abortionist “Dr.” Cesare Santangelo, who previously told a pro-life sting operation that if a child survived a botched abortion and was alive outside his or her mother, he would let the child die and would not give it life-saving medical care.
Notably, in early 2022, an anonymous whistleblower contacted Handy and revealed they were in possession of some very late-term dead babies that had been killed at this very same clinic and were arranged to transport them to Handy’s home, where they were photographed in high definition and their injuries cataloged.
It had been decades since pro-life activists and abortion abolitionists had high-definition photographs and videos showing the horrors of abortion. One of the babies has the back of their neck snipped and a hole going into their skull, where the brains have been evacuated. Another endured a dilation and evacuation (D&E) abortion, where they slice off all the limbs in the womb and then crush the skull to get it through the vaginal canal.
Though the age would suggest these were illegally commited late-term abortions, or even post-birth abortions, authorities refused to investigate.
How dare these individuals attempt to deny the leftist god Moloch his sacrifices.
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