Megachurch Pastor Says Jesus Was Offered as ‘Burnt Offering’ and ‘Tithe’ on the Cross

Word of Faith and famed antinomian “hyper-grace” heretic Joseph Prince is claiming that all your money is cursed and unholy until you give a tithe to the, Lord and that Jesus himself was a tithe and burnt offering given on the cross, which then resulted in the salvation of the whole world.
Prince is the senior pastor of the 34,000-member New Creation Church based out of Singapore. Famously, the church spent $500,000,000 to purchase and renovate its church and another $300,000,000 to buy the mall the church was attached to. We last wrote about him after he rejected nomenclature like “poor as a church mouse,” arguing that poverty should not be associated with the church because Mickey Mouse is rich and prosperous.
Prince, who regularly tours the conference circuit with other big names in the prosperity preaching game, is the ringer money-grubbing pastors bring in to get their congregations to give more. A regular guest speaker at Hillsong church, Prince teaches that regular tithing will result in a prosperous life for you and your descendants, while encouraging his hearers to “confess you are rich because you’re already rich.” He frequestly says things like:
“You are destined to reign in life. You are called by the Lord to be a success, to enjoy wealth, to enjoy health, and to enjoy a life of victory. It is not the Lord’s desire that you live a life of defeat, poverty, and failure”
In an undated sermon while preaching on the tithe, he offers this bizzare interpretation:
We have been redeemed from the curse. Now, YOU have been redeemed from the curse, the money that comes into your hand is not. Do you understand that? How do you make the money clean? The Bible says in New Testament, New Testament, Romans, the apostle Paul by the Spirit says ‘If the first fruit is holy, say holy. If the first fruit is holy, holy, the rest is holy. And what is holy, the devil cannot touch. Hey! What is holy, the devil cannot touch. Now, your money is no more unrighteous. It’s no more filthy lucre, it is now holy money.
...10% is a part of the whole. For God, the 10% is everything. It’s part of the whole. When the 10% is holy, the rest is holy. You understand? Like it says in 1 Corinthians 15 that Christ is risen from the dead and become the first fruit…that’s the tithe of those who have fallen asleep.
So Jesus is a tithe and money is cursed. Got it. He continues:
Each one in his own order, Christ the first fruits. Afterwards, those who are Christ’s at His coming. So Christ is the tithe that first came up, right? Once Christ came up first, all of us are guaranteed to come out of the grave. Guaranteed. Because why? The tithe has done it. Whatever happens to the tithe, if the tithe is holy, the rest is holy. If the tithe rose from the dead, we all rise from the dead. |
Last night, the Lord spoke to me and the Lord said, ‘Son, I set up the whole world like this. My son is the first fruit. I gave Jesus. He is the tithe. And the world with, of course, evil intentions took the tithe. But unbeknown to them, they did something that I wanted them to do. They offered the tithe as a burnt offering on the cross. And salvation came upon the whole world.’
I told you, He is still talking to me.
For a longer commentary on this video breaking down why it’s so bad, see iThink Biblicaly’s video, who was also the h/t.
The good news is Prince’s hair continues to look fabulous as he pontificates his self-created heretical idiocy.
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He has nice makeup too, I think there may be some sugar in the tank!😂