Has Hillsong Church Been Hacked?

In some strange news, Hillsong Church’s Facebook page seems to have been hacked, with the perpetrators posting a 13-minute video of Law and Order SVU (special victims unit) to the embattled denomination’s social media, telling their nearly 2,000,000 followers: “This month we are relaxing and enjoying our favorite show” and asking them “Do you remember this show?”

The episode is from the show’s thirteenth season titled Father Dearest, which is about a deranged man raping young girls who were all conceived from an anonymous sperm donor- himself.
One commenter has questioned the post, which is unlike anything Hillsong has ever published or shared, prompting the hacker (presumably) to offer a quippy reassurance.

There seems to be no other malicious posts at this point.
For more on Hillsong:
Top 10 Weirdest Things Hillsong Leaders Expensed to the Church
Top 10 Most Expensive Meals Brian and Bobbie Houston Expensed to the Church
Top 10 Luxury Hotels Hillsong Leaders Expensed to the Church (Spoiler: The Cheapest is $8457.42),
Report: Hillsong Foundation Raised $21M For Charities, But only Gave Them 1% of the Money,
Despite Raising $21M for Charity, Hillsong Gave Their Anti-Female Genital Mutilation Org. Only $42
Hillsong Church Charges Child-Sponsor Group ‘Compassion’ $1,000,000 To Be At Their Events
‘20 years of attending Hillsong ‘church’’.
This person clearly has zero discernment and can be ignored
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