Liar Liar? Mark Driscoll Claims Book Was Banned From Amazon, So Why Is It Still There?

Early Sunday evening, controversial pastor (see endnotes) and noted plagiarizer Mark Driscoll took to Twitter to complain that his new book “New Days, Old Demons: Ancient Paganism Masquerading as Progressive Christianity” got him suspended from Amazon. He claimed the online retail giant was trying to “silence the word of God and faithful Bible teachers” and urged followers to purchase it from his website instead.

While it’s true that his book wasn’t available on Amazon at the time of his tweet, it’s also true that it wasn’t available anywhere. Not at Barnes and Noble, Books a Million, Thriftbooks, or Powells. 

Driscoll’s missive makes it seem like he was singled out from Amazon specifically. However, given that no one else carried the self-published book, described as a “prophetic message for pathetic times,” this reeks of shameless self-promotion. 

Yet on Monday, hours after his claims, his book was on Amazon, alive and well, free to be shared and purchased from the masses.

Despite the book being available on Amazon, Driscoll still keeps on repeating claims to the contrary. In an Instagram post early this morning, he insists it’s “the book that big tech doesn’t want you to purchase,” despite being on sale for $17.98 and eligible for free shipping through Amazon Prime. 

Ultimately, claiming that he was suspended from Amazon because of this book reads like a quick and dirty way to raise controversy and project scarcity, which wouldn’t be the first time Driscoll has manipulated book sales to make a buck. 

Bonus content

Back in the day, Driscoll favored an edgy, aggressive style marked by prurient sermons laced with cuss words and punk-style worship- he once called women’ penis homes’ and commanded women with unsaved husbands to give their husbands oral sex to convert them. All the edgy aggressiveness boiled over in 2014 when the empire suddenly imploded due to Driscoll’s emotional and spiritual abuse of the flock, plagiarism, and accusations of financial misconduct. Rather than undergo church discipline, he claimed he audibly heard from God that he needed to leave, and he bolted. Later, nearly 40 former Mars Hill elders issued a public statement describing him as ‘unfit’ and ‘unrepentant.’

Not many years later, with the help of his crony James MacDonald, Mark Driscoll wrapped up his own discipline and re-established himself behind a pulpit in Phoenix, Arizona. Here, he set himself up as Pope of his own church, removing any of the limiting factors that previously constrained him, chiefly the presence of elders. Despite having hundreds and hundreds of people attending each week, there are no elders at The Trinity Church, which has resulted in his bullying ways continuing. Think of him as a wayward child who locked his parents in their room and now has the run of the house, terrorizing the dogs and torturing the cats.

Slowly, he rebuilt his empire, even as his theology got squishier. He mocked reformed theology and described Calvinism as “garbage.” He publicly apologized for criticizing Joel Osteen. He started selling copies of his sermon notes online and pushed seeker-sensitive services like “Swimsuit Sunday.” He even defended the Roman Catholic Church, saying they “believe in the essentials.”

Despite resigning in disgrace and possessing a penchant for theological violence, people flocked to him at his new home, and his church has grown immensely in the last few years, slowly edging towards megachurch status. 

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4 thoughts on “Liar Liar? Mark Driscoll Claims Book Was Banned From Amazon, So Why Is It Still There?

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