Did This Prophet Predict The Titanic Submersible Disaster With Insane Accuracy? You Decide

His Kingdom Prophecy is one of the worst websites on the internet. It doesn’t contain torture or hate speech, unless you count false prophesies as ‘hate speech’ towards the Lord of Glory that are torturous to listen to. Instead, the website is a collective of about 100 authors who post their daily ramblings and revelations from Jesus to the world, most of which are delusional babblings.
On June 22, 2023, Veronika West gave a prophecy about the Titanic submersible, based on a June 20 article from the Guardian about how the crew only had days left of air left on board.

Because West is not hearing from the Lord but rather sweet nothings from a muttering demon, she prophesied that time was short for the folks within the submersible. She also likened time running out to find the submersible to time running out for the wise and foolish virgins in the bible parable, saying things like” “Watch, for a clashing of the Titans and the Sinking of Titanic Giants will begin to unfold in the days ahead. I say, Brace! Brace for Impact! For this is a Race Against Time and Space!“
Had she heard from Jesus and given us a true revelation, she would have known that there was ‘no race against time,’ but rather that the submersible was crushed instantly on its descent, killing everyone on board. Instead of comparing this story to the wise and foolish virgins, she could have been comparing it to the deaths of Ananias and Sapphira. Clearly, her prophecy does not hold water.
A Prophetic Word of Warning: The Titan Submersible
These are the days of the five wise and five foolish Virgins. These are the days of The Clash of Titans and the sinking of Titanic Giants! God will not be mocked!
As I was before The LORD concerning the News Story of the Titan Submersible and the five people on board, I suddenly heard The Spirit say, ”I tell you again, the time is short — for these are the Days of the Five Wise and the Five Foolish Virgins!
I say again — Time is short!
My Grace, My Grace! These are the Days of My Grace poured out — but Watch! For the eyes of the World are on the waters of the deep, and that which is hidden, shall be fully exposed.
Listen — for the sound of an SOS shall be heard in the days ahead. Ha! “Not even God can sink this ship!” I tell you, I shall not be mocked, but the stiff-necked shall be broken!
But fear not! For those who Call upon My Name shall surely be Saved!
‘Tick Tock’,.. ‘tick tock’, goes the hands of the clock — for this is a Kairos Time, an Appointed Time and Season!
Watch! For a clashing of the Titans and the Sinking of Titanic Giants will begin to unfold in the days ahead.
I say, Brace! Brace for Impact! For this is a Race against Time and Space!
Watch and Pray, for a Battle of the Kraken. Yes! A War against the Dragon — the Spirit of Leviathan — has surely begun in The Nations of the Earth, for now a Divine Confrontation is taking place!
Watch! For a greater Shaking will begin to take place as Economic and Financial Systems begin to Crash.
For I tell you again — The Time is Short, and the riches of this world are futile and cannot save you, and life is fragile and fleeting like the grass that withers and the flower that fades, but My Word will endure forever!”
Of course, the entire prophecy makes no sense and reads like what would be produced if you taped a pen to a schizophrenic monkey’s hand and gave it ten minutes to go nuts.
Time was not short. They already died. This is a huge fail.
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Still waiting for just one ‘prophet’ who predicted this BEFORE it happened.
These people are narcissistic opportunists who preen before the undiscerning in order to obtain fame and fortune. God will have the last word.
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Ms. West Ms. West,
Is that your best,
All your false prophecies
I truly detest.
I think Veronika needs to stop Dr. Sues type prophecies.
Even Chuck Pierce would give this two thumbs down. 👎👎