Preemptive Move? SBC Church With Women ‘Pastors’ Announces Their Departure from Denomination

In light of the decision of the Southern Baptist Convention to expel Saddleback Church from the denomination for having women pastrixes (because there’s no such thing as a woman pastor), First Baptist Church of Gainesville in Gainesville, GA, has announced they are cutting all ties with the SBC, preemptively making a move to leave on their own before they are forced out.
Mike Law previously targeted FBCG as a church that employs pastrixes. In a letter to the church from pastor Jeremy Shoulta, he writes, “With the Convention’s vote to disfellowship churches with women pastors, we will accept the reality that we are no longer welcome at the SBC table and sever all remaining ties with the SBC and its partner organizations (i.e. Georgia Baptist Mission Board (GBMB), Chattahoochee Baptist Association (CBA).” Shoulta further notes:
On June 14, 2023, messengers at the SBC Annual Meeting voted to amend the SBC constitution to explicitly remove any church which “affirms, appoints or employs a woman as a pastor of any kind.” As you are likely aware, FBCG has celebrated the presence of women pastors on our staff for some time, and we will not compromise this practice on account of the SBC’s actions.
Our staff has anticipated this move by the Convention for some time, but the possibility became an imminent reality when leaders from the SBC publicly categorized several congregations, including FBCG, as bodies which “contaminate the soil of our Convention with distrust and disobedience to the Scriptures.”
Additionally, these same SBC leaders obtained the names and photos of FBCG staff and published them on a digital “watch list” of churches with female pastors in order to garner support for the aforementioned constitutional amendment. This bullying tactic compromised the safety and well-being of the women on our staff, a move which saddened and infuriated our church leadership.
This doesn’t sound like it will be a loss. The church notes that prior to these events, they “maintained only minimal ties with the SBC prior to this week’s events” in order to “honor our historic partnership and to obtain certain employee benefits.”
Shoulta closes out by offering that “We will not allow the SBC’s regrettable compromise on local church autonomy to affect our efforts to be the church God has called us to be in our unique context” and that “we will seek to grow in our support and encouragement of female leaders in the church as they follow the Spirit’s leading in their lives.”
Good for the SBC for holding the line. Hope other denominations have learned from the train wreck denominations that yielded on this and then went fully apostate with pro-perv, pro-abortion, anti-authority of scripture, etc.
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False accusation of bullying pretty much proves the Biblical case, and refutes their own arguments, by itself, particularly since the pictures and names are prominently published on their own website, and considering the fact that they are simply being held accountable to scripture. Women are indeed the weaker vessel. If you can’t hold them accountable to scripture without being accused of bullying and threatening them (being falsely accused of sinning), then that alone is reason enough why they should not hold positions of leadership. That sort of mess is exactly what facilitates the wayward drift in the first place. Fidelity to scripture ends up shifted to the back burner, and eventually is entirely ignored. The absolute truth of God’s word is rejected and replaced with subjective moral relativism based on nothing but feelings, emotions, whims and worldly shifting sands.
Not only have Mike Law and others not sinned by holding churches accountable to scripture. They have done exactly what God’s word tells us to do.
“you’re bullying me and making me feel unsafe” – words you’ll never hear spoken by a grown man who fears the Lord
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The SBC is in the toilet. Imagine being a SBC missionary and losing your job because you refused to take the vaccine.
I grew up SBC and was educated all the way in SBC schools. I will not return. Good for FBCG! They will do better without the corrupt SBC.
So even though you say you were educated by the SBC you chose to turn your back on Scripture.