Breaking! Bart Barber Wins Reelection, Will Remain SBC President

Current SBC president and Texas pastor Bart Barber easily survived a challenge from Conservative Baptist Network-endorsed pastor Mike Stone, receiving nearly 69% of the vote, and will continue as president of the Southern Baptist Convention for another year.
Besieged by criticism over his position on abortion and the circus-like circumstances surrounding the SBC’s Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force (ARITF), Barber faced an unusual challenge just a year into his tenure (the SBC tradition is for a president to serve two years), made even clearer as 2022’s original establishment candidate Willy Rice throwing his support behind and nominating Mike Stone.
The vote wasn’t particularly close, with messengers voting 7531 for Barber, 3458 for Stone.
This is a developing story
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Do we know if there is legitimate oversight, transparency and a lack of electronic voting black holes in the voting system they use? That spread seems a bit larger than it should be.
Just wondering since so much has become similar to secular political activity.
I thought the same, an awfully wide gap.
Transparency and today’s SBC can never be spoken in the same sentence.
I say we storm the citadel of the SBC to disrupt the vote counting mechanism, because our unpopular side lost by a wide margin. Surely if we lost, then some shady demonic actions have occurred. Obviously, our conservative views can’t be wrong, so there must be some deep state machinations going on behind the scenes to take away our power. Because obviously the other side can’t be more popular, numerous, or powerful. That would be heresy.
The clear message going forward is that the conservative silent majority is being suppressed by those in power, and anyone who disagrees with us is clearly either a puppet of the entrenched Baptistas, or a left wing radical group.
Why are people even staying in the SBC? Get out and leave them to their own devices.
Did they use Dominion voting machines?