Hillsong Pledges to Spend Special Offering For Community Based Initiatives…On Themselves

Hillsong Church’s “Heart for the House” offering is a much-hyped “annual, sacrificial offering that is over and above our tithes and offerings.” The website is placarded with rousing quotes like “While little children go hungry, as they do now, I’ll fight!” and “While there is a poor lost girl upon the streets, I’ll fight till the very end.” In the past, they’ve compared giving generously to Hillsong to Mary washing Jesus’ feet with the expensive perfume in John 12.
Each year Hillsong raises around $21M on the back of these heavily promoted ministries, Hillsong Africa Foundation, Vision Rescue India, A21, One80TC, and others, frequently showcasing them as the excellent work they are doing worldwide. Despite the tens of millions raised, only 4% went to these charities– each one getting around 1% of the money raised and the rest being squirreled away to other endeavors, including millions on hosting conferences and paying exorbitant speaker fees, like giving T.D. Jakes and Joyce Meyer $150K each for one sermon.
Now, Hillsong is hyping up their 2023 Heart for the House offering, and this time they are pledging a bit more money in light of the blistering scandals that have rocked the embattled church and caused their attendance to crater.
Some of the scandals that have contributed to their mass exodus include gross financial abuse and misappropriation, including:
Top 10 Weirdest Things Hillsong Leaders Expensed to the Church
Top 10 Most Expensive Meals Brian and Bobbie Houston Expensed to the Church
Top 10 Luxury Hotels Hillsong Leaders Expensed to the Church (Spoiler: The Cheapest is $8457.42),
Hillsong Pastor Expensed THIS item for $50,000.00, Paid For By Church Tithes and Offerings
Hillsong Gives Ann Voskamp $107,000 in Honorariums for One Appearance
Hillsong Church Charges Child-Sponsor Group ‘Compassion’ $1,000,000 To Be At Their Events
According to their brochure, of all the money raised, they will spend:
- 20% on local campus initiatives.
- 52% on national initiatives.
- 5% toward church planting initiatives.
- 20% minimum on social impact initiatives.
All throughout they highlight their social giving, an irony given that historically this is what they’ve spent the LEAST money on, despite it being the main emotional hook.

For example, despite raising $21M for charity, Hillsong Gave Their Anti-Female Genital Mutilation Org. Only $42. This represents 0.0001% of the total money raised through the Hillsong Foundation. Hillsong has demonstrated over and over that they simply cannot be trusted to spend any donations well, or even on what they are allocated and earmarked to.
But as far as local campus initiatives, these are projects that are designed to “directly benefit your local community.” What are the ways that these projects will ‘directly benefit local communities’? Hillsong Kefuffle explains:
The AUDACITY of Hillsong…
Here, lead pastors of Hillsong Brisbane, Perth, Melbourne, Hobart, Sydney and Darwin each explain what their ‘local initiative’ is that they will spend your Heart for the House offering on.
And guess what…it’s THEMSELVES! Yep. Their local community initiatives are:-Upgrade the foyer at the Hills Campus (because they’re having so much trouble fitting in the people that are no longer there)
-Buy a building in Hillsong Perth
-Begin construction on a new building in Hobart
-A ‘location master plan’ in Brisbane (unexplained). AND fix and renovate an ‘old rundown house at the back of our property so that people have a place to pray’ (because they can’t pray in their normal church building on the same property?)
-Hillsong Melbourne will spend money on their commercial cafe that they already own and run, so that it can be open every day (and get the money rolling in…perfect those Chai Lattes). Literally. Your money will go to an already established business that Hillsong owns.
-Hillsong Darwin…a place where there are huge needs in the local community. Homelessness, drugs/alcohol, poverty, unemployment. Hillsong will spend your money on a 12-seater bus to get 12 people to church. Not kidding…They will also spend your money upgrading their own children’s facilities.I am not kidding. This is horrendously tragic. Oh there were a couple of mentions of spending the money on chaplains, and Hills said they would give some to domestic violence charities, but they do not clarify how much they will spend on themselves and how much they will give to these charities.
Priorities, priorities, priorities.
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You’re more likely to have the Gospel preached by buying a lotto ticket than flushing it down the black hole of money that is Hellsong.