Trump Bashes DeSantis For Signing Anti-Abortion Legislation: It’s ‘Too Harsh’

Former President Donald Trump has been relentlessly attacking Florida Governor Ron DeSantis not for being too liberal, but too conservative. In a recent interview with the Messenger, Trump took a shot at DeSantis for signing a heartbeat bill in Florida that would ban abortions once the baby’s heartbeat can be detected, usually around six weeks. Using the “pro-lifers” as a proxy for his critique, the former President trumpeted his beliefs in the need for abortion “exceptions,” all the while refusing to offer his own position.
The Messenger: Abortion is a big issue you talked about in 2022 when you said that Republicans didn’t really have the right message. They didn’t know how to talk about the issue properly. So what’s the right way for a Republican to talk about abortion in the 2024 elections?
Trump: “Well, pretty much what I said in the CNN town hall. … First of all, I’m a believer in the exceptions, right? And just as Ronald Reagan was a believer in the exceptions, but I’m a believer in the exceptions … the life of the mother, raping and incest. … The other thing I really believe is that the radicals are people that would have a baby destroyed, killed at the end of the ninth month or even after birth.”
The Messenger: Not to be argumentative about this, but do any women really get abortions at eight or nine months if it’s not because of the life or health of the mother?
Trump: “Yeah, probably. You might not know about it.”
The Messenger: It sounds shocking.
Trump: “I know it’s shocking. But it’s happening. … For 50 years, they’ve been trying to get rid of Roe v Wade. I was able to do it. Nobody else could have done that but me. And I was able to do it [by nominating] three excellent judges on the Justices of the Supreme Court. And I was able to do that. What it did more than anything else is it gave us a tremendous power of negotiation, which we didn’t have, the pro-life movement, a tremendous power of negotiation. … Now the pro-life movement has the power to negotiate a deal that’s acceptable for them.”
The Messenger: DeSantis signed a six-week abortion restriction in Florida. Do you think he was right to do that?
Trump: “Well, he has to do what he has to do. If you look at what DeSantis did, a lot of people don’t even know if he knew what he was doing. But he signed six weeks, and many people within the pro-life movement feel that that was too harsh.”
The Messenger: What do you think? Is it too harsh for you?
Trump: “I’m looking at all alternatives. I’m looking at many alternatives. But I was able to get us to the table by terminating Roe v. Wade. That’s the most important thing that’s ever happened for the pro-life movement.”
The Messenger: Would you sign a six week abortion ban or not?
Trump: “I’m looking at all [options].”
While many pro-lifers have praised DeSantis for his heartbeat bill, most abortion abolitionist groups have been critical of the half-measures, with Abolitionist Rising commenting:

The bill doesn’t go near far enough. Imprisonment for murder both the murderer and the mother who hired them. Life starts at conception.
While I’ve supported most of his initiatives in the past, Trump’s throwing shade on someone who has unflinchingly supported conservative values and done so without endless self-inflicted wounds. DeSantis is the real deal, as far as I’m concerned and I applaud his actions to defend life.
This shouldn’t be a surprise. Trump has never been a conservative; he’s a narcissist that does what he believes will earn him praise and his “convictions” don’t exist (ask his wife– any of them). He outspent Obama in the same 4 years (which is saying a lot) and started Biden’s inflation. Operation Warp Speed. “Summer of Love” (while he laughed at those in Portland/Seattle– including elderly conservatives that had homes there before it went so far left) was ignored because he said he needed to get reelected first (politician). He gave us Ric Grennell and his “husband” under the GOP tent. Trump gave more to Planned Parenthood (with the exception of abortion funding) than any other president. Prison Reform, Platinum Plan for Black America, a wall in Egypt but not the US, rolling over on DACA, 12 weeks leave for federal employees on the taxpayer’s dime (one of MANY “Javanka” initiatives), etc… I think he was the Clinton’s replacement Perot, but they underestimated how disliked Hillary was by everyone. He and Kari Lake recently hosted the alphabet people at Mar-a-Lago while calling themselves “allies”. Not conservative, not Christian. It’s political theater and he was a mole. Desantis( with Chip Roy?) for me. (I don’t care who Trump- the 2 Timothy 3 man- says backs him [which has largely been disproved]. Ron D governs as a conservative.)
A lot of people don’t see that. They’ve been blinded by listening and allowing the idea to spread that it doesn’t matter if a man doesn’t act like a Christian, is a Christian, loves God and seaks Him in all He does. The repeated phrase “we aren’t electing a minister” as scoffing against right was allowed to linger. I heard it repeated often.
Yes, it does matter. Trump is a pretty disgusting person in behavior. divorces many times, no loyalty to own lives, allies or country. supports sodomy marriage, says it’s a good thing. holds an awards ceremony with a bunch of homosexuals in marlago in last two years, hangs out with Epstein. current wife made lesbian porn she’s never repented of, and since she was the target of the homosexual awards ceremony, likely never will .
It goes on and on. Trump is the perfect illustration of biblically what not to do for many things. And yet will never hear these things from a trump supporter, they live in a vast echo chamber of mostly marginal sites, often run by enemies to the gospel – in example, drudge report, homosexual, gateway pundit, pedophile married young boy from overseas, Washington times, moonie cult, epoch times, furlong sp? cult, wnd Hebrew roots cult, etc etc etc! gatekeepers all.
Is it any wonder that just a large amount of foolish disasters if not treason has come out of Trump. The lockdown of the country was an intentional disaster from Trump. The election fraud was preventable but he didn’t want to prevent it beforehand. Reagan would have sent troops to stop the riots instead of letting them linger, and Trump fuels them with requiring masks, free! (sic) money handouts, and locking down good people obeying it (naively).
Worst president ever. Trump’s strategy is not to win, but ensure no good gop candidate emerges or does. The thing he and his blinded followers despise – Christian virtue from following God simply because God says to do it and it’s the right thing to do, is what needs to be run against this person, because he is running against it.
I don’t see how you could possibly say he was worse than Biden or Obama, or worse than Hillary would’ve been had she won.
Particularly where it relates to the murder of babies and the imposition of abominable sin.
If you’re going to argue lesser of evils, I don’t know of any republican that is worse than democrats. They’re bad, no doubt. But worse? Not even close.
That said, personally, I’m done with voting for the lesser of evils, now that the republican party has embraced abominable sin. If it means I don’t vote because there are no candidates in any races worth voting for, so be it.
Really? Successfully causing harm to the only non (wholly) evil party is not worse than then the obvious evil ? To lead it into sin so there is no light.
Traitors are always considered the worst over an open enemy. It’s the same reason I will not support a cult leader like Romney, or someone obviously with something wrong with him like McCain _ which was proven right in spades . Or in case in point, was Judas really ok, because the pharisees were trying to kill Jesus, and he was an apostle after al? An infamously bad traitor, but modern heretics try to say that.
Trump also caused more obvious harm than any other president and possibly western leader ever in the last years, including lockdowns and untested “vaccines”. It’s something a democrat could not have done, it required someone people on the other side would trust. Something that almost destroyed the country and western world, and hasn’t finished it’s harm yet. And yet countries that ignored it went on their way and did not self harm themselves. No president has ever done so much self harm to the country of any party. And a lot of it traced back to our own government Trump lead.
When people ignore scripture and decide to trust in people they are told not to trust or even fellowship with, you get the worst disasters from the inside. Its like that poem that traitor likes to quote _ you knew I was a snake when you took me in.
This rainbow terror is the most antichrist, fascist, authoritarian mess I’ve ever seen. Biden made it a priority literally on day one signing executive orders to further impose it on Christians nationwide.
I don’t know what your measure of a good president is, but as a Bible-believing Christian who’s trying to live a life that honors the Lord, to me it’s not even close. Obama and Biden are orders of magnitude worse than Trump ever was. They’re not only not Christians, but are outright hostile toward Christians – extremely hostile.
By the way, this reminds me of a woman I knew and first took to the school dances several times around fifth grade. But I’ve talked to her hours and hours over the years, even a decade more.
She has more persistently tried to harm me than any person I’ve ever known, and been involved in the worst sins which I won’t mention here, you can guess. Some of those sins involve group effort, and paganism, so it was easy to involve others for her in it. Throughout high school, and every few years thereafter, there it come again.
She told me something once of the only two times she ever remotely started to come clean “I’m only going to tell you this once, the best way to harm someone is pretend to be their friend”. She also said that she hated that I made her feel so guilty. It wasn’t anything I said, just trying to do the right things in life made her feel guilty, all that right behavior vs all hers she wanted to have. the wicked gnash their teeth at the righteous.
Last time I saw her, with a friend, she was being as much a snake as ever, telling an employee over the phone something with a charming understanding voice, and totally saying something else immediately after the phone call was over.
If you won’t believe the Bible on how to avoid snakes, you are going to get snakes because they are hard to see otherwise. Now I was only a boy when that occured to me, and did not avoid it, and it affected me for decades – with the person trying to cause more problems as they become more connected in things no one that is the Lord Jesus’s would think was wonderful. If that could happen just as a boy liking the wrong person, imagine letting a billionaire who hangs out with Epstein do it to your country.
Max, you make some very good and fair points, my friend. I hadn’t thought about it from that perspective. He was indeed instrumental in leading the GOP farther astray, and to endorsement of abominable sin. And therefore, to leave us with no good choice going forward. That much is undeniable.
What you’re basically saying is that luke warm is worse than cold. And that is 100% correct.
I can’t see it justifying a vote for the open enemy, but I do see that it may mean we shouldn’t vote at all. Enemy A or Enemy B is not much of a choice. I wouldn’t want to endorse either one.
We might say as treachery is necessarily lukewarm, lukewarm is necessarily treacherous.
One may imply more nefarious intent than the other, but the result is the same.
Very good, though-provoking points you’ve made here, Max.
I’m pretty much fed up with the whole charade, myself. I’m done with it. I’d rather do something more constructive like staring at the wall watching paint dry.
Trump is finished. Time to retire to the golf course.
Thanks for the posts Matt. I’m still thinking it over. Although I wasn’t connecting it to Revelation 3 and the lacideans, one of the reasons I dislike Trump so much now is he is a faith destroyer. They don’t need the Lord, they just need a political leader that will save them, and not a very good one either. They are rich.
So this sin and that sin and that bad thing is overlooked, who cares that God doesn’t say so, we just need Trump. “We aren’t electing a minister” has been repeated a lot, a rebellious and anti right statement that should have died out by now
I believe and know that God answers prayers, and Jesus is the Amen. If you really went along with it doesn’t matter what God wants or we don’t need a minister, you wouldn’t pray in faith either (you’d seek other things to get your way like government), so your prayers wouldnt be being answered, you wouldn’t be supping with Jesus, and you’d be rich, thinking all you needed was Trump.
This is a horrible idea, to forsake all types of Christian virtue that Trump emphasizes against, and make it all about Trump, the loudest new York liberal in the house.
I will stick to prayer. And likewise, I think a lot of his followers are wrong. They really do need a minister. maybe they should start choosing one or really, finding one.
11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them