‘Not My Choice.’ Steven Crowder Announces Divorce

Conservative political commentator and professing Christian Steven Crowder has announced that his marriage has ended, and he and his wife of over a decade are getting a divorce. Crowder made the announcement during yesterday’s episode of Louder with Crowder.
Clarifying that the end of his marriage was not the result of infidelity or allegations of abuse, he revealed that it had been ongoing for two years, describing it as his “deepest personal failure.” He and his wife, Hilary, have two children, born in 2021.
“I have been living with a proverbial boot on my neck for going on years now….Since 2021, I’ve been living through what has increasingly been a horrendous divorce….And no, this was not my choice. My then-wife decided that she didn’t want to be married anymore and in the state of Texas, that is completely permitted. It’s been the most heartbreaking experience of my life.
He addded that his opinions on parenthood and family have not changed, that parents need a mom and a dad and that divorce is horrible.
In all this, one thing I wanna be really clear about is certain. True north here is that my children are blameless, completely without fault, and so we decided to resolve these issues privately as it’s in their best interest both emotionally and physically to do so.
I loved a woman so much that I married her. A woman who, despite all of this, I still love as the mother of my children and she wanted something else for her life….That’s not my choice, she simply wanted out and the law says that that’s how it works.”
Though Crowder has frequently professed to be a Christian and even touted that when he and his wife got married they were both virgins who had kept the marriage bed pure, describing it as a recipe for success to ensure the long-term survival of his relationship, the last decade has left many questioning his salvation. Though we can’t locate the video, Todd Friel of Wretched Radio had an interaction with Crowder over a decade ago about his profession of faith, asking him questions about the gospel that Crowder simply could not answer, and then later became upset at the suggestion that he may only be a cultural Christian and false convert.
As Samuel Sey says: “Pray that he would repent and sincerely believe in Christ. Pray for his wife, that she would also repent and reconcile with him. And pray for their children. Divorce is destructive.”
She probably was influenced by feminist who say “you need to be happy all the time. You need to love yourself and be your best self.” Truly sad for those children. It will be devastating for them. As I told a co-worker many years ago when he and his wife told them they were divorcing and he was stunned how hard they took it: “the life they knew is over. You two took that away from them.”
that may very well be true, but I’m not 100% I believe everything he said at face value. especially given the fact that he’s not truly saved as far as I can tell. I pray that they reconcile and stay married.
In that same episode of his show, he made it clear that ‘conservatives’ don’t care about the gay “marriage” (sic) issue anymore. ‘Conservatives’ like him are just conserving the wins of the ‘progressives’ (sic) from several years ago. Not worth continuing to watch his crap.
That’s too bad – he’s obviously been tortured by the split. I pray for the restoration of this union.
Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.
Hey look, it’s the name thief again. You’re doing a fantastic job of showing your hatred of me.
Here’s a couple for you: Thou shalt not bear false witness. Thou shalt not steal.
You steal my name, bear false witness, and post the same scripture over and over, but you haven’t paid close attention to what it actually says, nor do you understand it, particularly in context to the whole of scripture, and the whole of the entire Gospel.
So here’s another thing you’ve missed. That verse says a “multitude”(and I explained on the other thread how, in context, it is talking about sins/trespasses against or by one another, within the context of the reconciliation process that Jesus outlined in Luke 17, and not sins against the Lord) – but it doesn’t say “all”
Interestingly enough that applies in the case of divorce, the subject of the article here.
In the case of divorce, Jesus said in Matt. 19:3-9 that the the one sin that justifies divorce is the Greek word porneia. Translated as “sexual immorality” in scripture it refers to any and every thing sexual outside the bounds of God’s design for marriage between one male and one female, which Jesus prefaced His statement with, by referencing that created design in verse 4 of that passage.
Likewise, porneia is also mentioned in the chapter 1 Cor. 5, given in verse one of that chapter not only as a just reason for “divorcing” and kicking the sexually immoral out of the church, but as an obligation to do so. It doesn’t say you “can” – it says you must. And it goes on in verses 9-11, to say that once the porneia has infiltrated the church, i.e., the limits set by God have been blatantly disrespected, (which is parallel to what is happening now) to not have any dealings with the sexually immoral not only inside the church, but outside as well.
As long as you keep stealing my name, bearing false witness, and targeting me, you keep giving me a reason and a right to respond. I will use that opportunity. But I cannot give you what you apparently want and are trying to achieve by targeting me, because to do so would be unloving.
That’s a parallel, but there is a difference in that porneia is not the only scriptural reason given which justifies disfellowship. In the case of “divorce” from the church, there are several more sins given in scripture which not only justify it, but command it.
Sometimes it helps to use some algebraic techniques, i.e., to substitute in the definitions for words, as scripture defines the words (not the dictionary definition – the Bible’s definition), and then to read the scripture using the definition or definitions rather than the word itself, so as to not gloss over the full meaning that is being conveyed.
In full context, since porneia is, in several ways, to disrespect His created order and therefore to disrespect Him, to disrespect His authority, to be prideful, to fail to submit to Him as Lord, Savior, and Master, (it is a manifestation and culmination of many sins), you can then better understand what Jesus said in Matt 19. There’s a good reason He prefaced His answer by referencing His created order. I’m not saying that you can use such substitution techniques to extrapolate that into more reasons for divorce. I’m saying it can help you better understand the meaning of scripture.
Of course, everything Jesus said and did parallels and ultimately refers to God’s dealing with mankind, because Jesus was and is God dealing with mankind.
But as Jesus said, if you don’t believe it, you cannot see it.