Pope Francis Shares His Squishy Thoughts on Abortion, Tinder, and LGBTQ Issues for Disney+ Documentary

Pope Francis appeared in a new Disney+ film ‘The Pope: Answers,” where he engaged with several young people on hot-button issues, offering up a pitiful portion of pablum in order to pander to the masses that even has Catholic apologists disappointed at how watered down it was.
This unbiblical worldview is typical stuff for the aging commie, who has been busy affirming the faith of Joe Biden by saying he would never refuse him communion, warning that the President’s love for abortion is between him and Go. He’s also been endorsing civil unions for gay couples, appointing multiple pro-choice people to his pro-life organization, and even releasing his most outrageously blasphemous statement.
According to reports:
The pontiff called sex “a beautiful thing,” but repeated his condemnation for masturbation. When asked if he knew what “non-binary” meant, in reference to gender, he confirmed he was aware of the meaning. He also reiterated calls to welcome LGBT+ people into the Roman Catholic Church.
“All persons are the children of God, all persons. God does not reject anybody; God is a father. And I have no right to expel anyone from the Church,” he said.
He then laid out his views on abortion, condemning the act but emphasising the importance of loving women regardless of whether they have chosen to terminate their pregnancy.
“It’s good to call things by their name. It is one thing to accompany the person who had one [abortion], quite another to justify the act,” he said.
However, some of the questions were more unorthodox. Despite not having a mobile phone, the head of the Roman Catholic Church was asked his thoughts on Tinder.
“It’s normal,” he said. “Young people have that eagerness to meet each other, and that’s very good.”
Notably, Francis also said that the Church’s “catechesis on sex is still in diapers,” with apologist Larry Chapp lamenting:
So, apparently, the Church needs potty training in matters sexual and the time has come to put on our big boy pants and move into the brave new world of a pluralism of sexual “lifestyles”. But this characterization of the Church’s traditional moral theology as being in an infantile stage of development can only happen via a monumental act of ecclesial amnesia. Has Pope Francis never read the moral theology of St. Thomas Aquinas? Was Aquinas, intellectually speaking, also still in diapers?
I’m guessing it sucks to be a Catholic these days…
Now the Catholic Church states that the New Testament had it wrong and the Pharisees were good guys:
“Later portraits of the Pharisees by the Gospel evangelists are not historically accurate.”