Christian TV Network Features Programming from Dead Televangelist Rapist

The Word Network is “the largest African-American religious network in the world.” Founded in 2000 by Kevin Adell, they claim to be “the network of choice for African American programming” by featuring various ministries and and “informative Christian-focused television lineup and gospel music.” Their show reaches millions of viewers in over 200 countries, particularly in Africa and Asia.
Some of the programs include Joyce Meyer, TD Jakes, Mike Moore, Robert Schuller (of the Crystal Cathedral) , Sid Roth, Peter Popoff, Joseph Prince, Rod Parsley, Bill Winston, prophet Uebert Angel, Jamal Bryant, David lbiyeomie, Rev. Jesse Jackson, a host of other African American pentecostal preachers. For the most part, they are worst of the worse.
They’ve also started running reruns from Tony Alamo, the disgraced televangelist and convicted statutory serial rapist.

Alamo was a well-known evangelist who founded Tony Alamo Christian Ministries with his wife, Susan. Coming out of the Jesus Freak movement in the 1970s, he began preaching the virtues of polygamy and started taking multiple wives, including am 8 year old and a 15-year-old.
Alamo passed away in federal prison after being found guilty on ten counts of taking underage girls across state lines for sex, where he was serving 175 years.
That The Word Network would feature them, while eye raising, is not surprising at all, considering he’s probably more theologically sound than many of the others teachers they host.
h/t Trinity Fi
“Coming out of the Jesus Freak movement in the 1970s…” Jesus Freak movement? What the heck does that mean?