Countdown: Top 10 Weirdest Things Hillsong Leaders Expensed to the Church (Number 7 is $1467.28 for a Single Uber Ride)

According to released documents from the Hillsong trove, senior leaders within Hillsong church had corporate church credit cards that they regularly used to buy luxury goods and high ticket items on the church’s dime. These were all paid church tithes and offerings, making new Global Senior Leader Phil Dooley’s recent insistence that “stewardship of church resources is something we take very seriously” all the more laughable.
Per their internal policy, if you had a Hillsong church corporate card, it was “only be used for work/ ministry-related expenses properly incurred in the performance of your duties.”
If it wasn’t clear enough, their policy included a reminder for cardholders to ask themselves:
Am I spending this money with the same care that I would show if I was spending my own money? Am I being mindful to steward the church’s money? Is the expense really needed?

We previously brought you Countdown: Top 10 Most Expensive Meals Brian and Bobbie Houston Expensed to the Church (Number 4 is $2433.38) and Countdown: Top 10 Luxury Hotels Hillsong Leaders Expensed to the Church (Spoiler: The Cheapest is $8457.42).
Now we bringing you the strangest and most bizarre extravagances.
10. Cash Money
Hillsong Board members liked to give each other expensive gifts. Pastors Gary and Cathy Clark was given $20,000 British pounds, or $36,630.04 AUD. Hillsong pastor Darren Kitto received $10,000 USD, or about $15,000 AUD. He also received something worth $42,890.16 USD, or about $64,000 AUD.
Notably, Lalitha Stables, Head of Partnerships and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Lead at Google, who has also served on the Global Board of Directors for Hillsong church for ten years and whose salary is hundreds of thousands of dollars each year from Google, received a $2,440.00 Louis Vuitton luggage item.

9. Disneyland
Bobbie Houston spent $8687.77 on Tickets to Disneyland, not including the flight, and another $14,377.80 at Gastronomy Australia, which appears to be a luxury catering business.

8. Valet Parking
Most Hillsong leaders used didn’t want to park their cars themselves, but rather used valet parking from Qantas airport, which offers “personalized airport parking just a few minutes walk away from the Qantas Domestic Terminal 3” and promises “Business Class Chauffeur Service.” This is just a small sampling.

7. Super Expensive Ubers
Hillsong Pastor Darren Kitto was the primary culprit, at one point spending up to $1467.28 on a single Uber drive.

6. Coldplay Tickets
Hillsong’s David Bagheri paid $1,788.45 for Coldplay tickets, whereas Johnny Rays only paid $451.05 for his. They also expensed the flight down to check out the show, spending $5737.28 and $1537.20, respectively.

5. This week in the life of Hillsong’s George Aghajanian
He expensed nearly $40,000 on luxury meals and hotels in just seven days. What else is there to stay?

4. Phone Bills
Darren Kitto had pricey cellphone bills in the USA. His AT&T bills include $1,113.98, $1133.59, $931.82, and $1065,32. (Try not to look at how much he spent on 5-Star hotels and resorts, lest you weep)
Also, Bobbie Houston’s phone bill one month in Australia was $2578.56

3. Apple Computers
Several leaders expensed specced-out Apple computers, including Johnny Rays, Darren Kitto and George Aghajanian. These include $6,181.58, $4,496.80 and $4110.16.

2. Designer Clothing
Bobbie Houston spent tens of thousands of dollars at online store Net-a-Porter. They sell luxury goods and brands, and she made single day purchases of $9615.00 and $5715.

1. Liquor Liquor and more Liquor
Hillsong leaders would frequently visit Dan Murphy’s, an online liquor store where you can buy thousand-dollar bottles of wine, with Bobbie Houston being a frequent offender.

For more on Hillsong, see here:
What is ‘Hillsong Family’, and Why Do Some Churches Pay $100K a Year to Join It? Ft. Judah Smith
A Step-by-Step Account of How The Hillsong Money-Making Scam Works
Hillsong’s Compassion Contract Details Revealed: What $1,000,000 Really Gets You
Hillsong Church Salaries, Royalties, Benefits Revealed. $1.9M, $ 1.7M, $1.5M, $876K, $540K
Given that I was laid off in a terrible financial circumstance a year ago, Google’s weekly benefit of 6850 USD in local currency is astounding. “W Many Thanks Google Reliable for Gifting those Rules and Soon It’s My Commitment to Pay and Rate It With Everyone.. right now I Started..”