Popular “Christian” Children’s Book Author, Matthew Paul Turner, Uses TN Shootings to Take Potshot at ‘Fake’ Threats

Popular “Christian” children’s book author, Matthew Paul Turner, like the TN school shooter loathes his conservative Christian upbringing. The former editor of CCM is best known for running the now-defunct blog “Jesus Needs New PR” as well as being the author of a series of rhyming Children’s books such as When I Pray for You, When God Made You, When God Made the World, and When God Made Light.
He’s also known for not being anything close to what could be construed as theologically sound Christian for years- if not ever. Pro-choice, pro-same-sex marriage, denying hell, questioning the veracity of the biblical miracles, coming out as gay and divorcing his wife, etc he likes to carry the moniker, though perhaps only as a form of mockery.
In a recent Facebook post he addressed the recent school shooting in TN, seeming to lay blame on the legislators who had nothing to do with the evil that transpired, taking the Lord’s name in vain as he writes:

Of course, there is no legislation against one living as a drag queen. They are free to be who they want to be and do what they want to do in the state of Tennessee, as in every state. However, praise God that some states have the decency and sensibility to set in place laws that protect school children from being groomed by creepy degenerates; a true threat whether he acknowledges it or not.
As Christians, which Turner is not, we know what the real problem in this world is. It is sin. The school shooter, though hearing the Word of God, despised and hated the God of the Bible, much like Turner does. Individuals like this fashion an idol, name it “Jesus,” and offer up worldly sacrifices that they deem necessary, whether it is the life of a child or the mind of a child.
And while the majority of Turner’s children’s books are likely purchased by progressives, many will undoubtedly be bought by Christian parents who lack biblical discernment.
Not only do drag queens pretend to be something they are not, but so too do some Christian children’s book authors.
This article was written by Jason Berga as a guest post for Protestia
They can post their backwards, contorted pretzel logic, attempting to divert attention from their own culpability, from now until the cows come home. Jesus said that it comes from the wickedness of the heart. So it comes from the wickedness of the heart. And that’s that. No ifs ands or buts. He settled the matter. The matter is settled.
This guy is simply a worldy buffoon whose life testifies to his indifference to the God he’s made so much money from. Truly, a repugnant individual.