Tucker Carlson: ‘The Trans Movement is the Mirror Image of Christianity and Therefore its Natural Enemy’

During tonight’s segment, speaking about the murder of six people at the Covenant School in Nashville, Fox News Host Tucker Carlson offered a bit of theologizing, asserting that “the trans movement is the natural enemy of Christianity.”
The people in charge despise working class whites, but they venerate the trans community. People are just responding to incentives. It’s rational in a way. But that does not explain the anger that we heard in that NPR segment. Why are some trans people so angry, and why do they seem to be mad specifically, at traditional Christians?
We can’t think of any trans person that’s ever been murdered by a pastor, as far as we know that has never happened. So it’s not an actual threat of violence from Christians that’s inspiring some trans people to buy AR-15’s . No, it’s, it’s got to be more fundamental than that.
And it is. The trans movement is the mirror image of Christianity and therefore its natural enemy. In Christianity, the price of admission is admitting that you’re not God. Christians openly concede that they have no real power over anything and for that matter, very little personal virtue. They will tell you to your face that they are sinful and helpless and basically absurd. They’re not embarrassed about any of this, they brag about it. “That saved a wretch like me” goes the most famous Christian hymn ever written in English.
The trans movement takes the opposite view. Trans ideology claims dominion over nature itself. ‘We can change the identity we were born with’, they will tell you with wild eyed certainty. Christians can never agree with the statement because these are powers they believe God alone possesses. That unwillingness to agree, that failure to acknowledge a trans person’s dominion over nature, incites and enrages some in the trans community. People who believe their God can’t stand to be reminded that they’re not.
So Christianity and transgender orthodoxy are wholly incompatible theologies. They can never be reconciled. They are in a collision course with each other. One side is likely to draw blood before the other side.
Tucker Carlson is not wrong
Praise God that there is at least one media personality in primetime who is speaking the un-woke truth to America.
I guess we’ll see how far the rabid, rebellious, murderous extortionists are willing to go in their war against Almighty God.