Breaking! Disgraced Pastor Carl Lentz Has Joined the Staff of Transformation Church

Disgraced Hillsong NY Pastor Carl Lentz, ousted after he was caught cheating on his wife and engaging in multiple sexual indiscretions, has taken a staff position at the Oklahoma megachurch Transformation Church.
Transformation Church (TC.) is led by pastor Micke Todd, known for crowd surfing during his church’s worship service and spending a lot of money. In the last two years, he’s given away $3,500,000 in houses, cash, and cars, spent $65,000 to buy 168 pairs of shoes, gave $600,000 in “reparations,” and purchased $66,000,000 in real estate.
He’s also known for preaching some good old-fashioned Modalism, giving the world perhaps the grossest illustration in church after he snorted and then hocked a loogie full of spit and snot into his hand and rubbed it in another man’s face and claiming his church had 75k salvations in the last 18 months even though practically none of them stuck around.
Lentz has relocated his family to Oklahoma where he’s been attending. Lentz was previously operating a consulting and coaching business, which includes churches, but by and large has been out of the public eye and off social media.
There is no indication yet if he will be on staff as a pastor, or in another role.
This is a developing story.
You can’t keep a bad man down, apparently. Does “Transformation Church” not have elders?
Seems like a good fit for him. As an Oklahoman, I’m saddened to see his influence here, though.
Howard Cosell’s comment about coaching applies to megachurch pastors: “Bad apples always seem to float back to the surface of the barrel in the coaching business.”
wolves do love hunting in a pack. welcome Carl. not surprised at all
The majority of the pastoral staff for Transformation’Church’ are women.
Enough said
The huckster Mike Todd hires the huckster Carl Lentz, I’m shocked I tell you!! Absolutely shocked!!