Pastor Jailed Weeks For Protesting All-Ages Drag Event Released On Bail Following Health Concerns

Two weeks ago, Canadian pastor Derek Reimer was arrested and charged with hate crimes following his involvement at an all-age drag event, which he and others were protesting. Police allege that Reimer, who was assaulted by patrons and thrown to the ground, was shouting transphobic and homophobic at children and parents who were attending the event. According to reports:
Calgary police laid the charges as hate-motivated crimes, which allege the offenses were motivated by bias, prejudice, or hate based on the personal characteristics of a victim. If convicted, the hate aspect of the crimes could be considered in sentencing as an aggravating factor.
The City of Calgary also laid six harassment charges under its new public behavior bylaw, which includes prohibiting the harassment of anyone on the basis of sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or gender expression.
Each offense carries a penalty of up to $10,000 and, in default of payment, up to six months imprisonment, the city said in a release.
Reimer was granted bail on the condition that he agree not to attend any more LGBTQ drag events. He refused to agree and as result, has spent nearly nearly two weeks in prison.
Until now.
Reimer finally signed the conditions, doing so because he says he needs medical aid that the prison cannot provide.
Come Sunday, I needed urgent medical attention. The jail could not provide me with that, and it was time sensitive, and they couldn’t reassure me when they were going to get me to an outside hospital, so I had to make the tough decision, and I signed out, and I went directly to the hospital.
“I got released (on Monday) to take care of what I needed to, and now I’m talking to my lawyer about my options moving forward and these conditions, and what we can do, because I still don’t agree to them.”
Canada, unlike the United States, has very few free speech protections and do not have the freedom of speech entrenched in their Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In 2017, the government passed a series of laws making it illegal to protest in any way shape or form within 150-450 feet of abortion clinics, depending on the clinic, with $5,000 in fines and six months in jail for FIRST TIME offenses.
Like those that came before it, any nation that rejects God for evil provokes His righteous judgment. I fear for North America.
Pastor Derek has been arrested again. Simply for being too close (less than 100 feet away).