SBC President Twists Scripture To Paint Abortive Women as Victims

SBC president Bart Barber continued his attacks against Southern Baptists abortion abolitionists this week, parroting his and the ERLC’s eternal efforts to shoot down and destroy any abolitionist resolutions or any abolitionist laws passed by the states.
Recently SBC Pastor Wesley Russell tagged Barber in a video featuring several “shout your abortion” type advocate screaming “f*** them kids” in describing aborted babies. Barber has an archetype in his mind that basically all women who have abortions are perennially frightened 14-year-olds who are unwilling victims, dragged into clinics by their pimps or boyfriends who threaten to leave or kill them if they don’t go through with it.
Barber offers his reasons why they’re victims:

In Louisiana, before the Supreme Court decision that saw Roe v. Wade abolished, abolitionists were very close to seeing abortion made illegal in the state, but then the ERLC joined forces with Planned Parenthood to defeat it.

This is an abbreviated form of a truly wretched and internally inconsistent article he wrote a while back, where he argued: and whose arguments were handily responded to here.
4. Should abortion laws mandate the prosecution of women who seek or obtain an abortion?
I think not. I think it is unjust, unnecessary, and unwise to include in abortion laws the prosecution of women who seek or obtain an abortion.
I believe it is unjust because the woman obtaining the abortion is not the murderer. Think of it this way: What is the murder weapon? It’s a set of surgical tools, right? Who operated the murder weapon? The abortionist did. The abortionist is the murderer, and any law banning abortion should identify the abortionist uniquely as such.
But didn’t this essay just declare the woman to be morally and spiritually culpable in abortion? If so, why should abortion laws not hold them legally culpable? Surely there is some prosecutable role that the woman plays? Is she guilty of murder-for-hire? It depends. Often the woman is not the person paying for the abortion. Sometimes it is the father of the baby. Sometimes it is her father. Sometimes it is you and I and other American citizens paying for the abortion by way of our taxes.
Is she guilty of soliciting the abortion? It depends. Was she coerced? Pro-life advocates like Lila Rose and David Daleiden have filmed Planned Parenthood workers arranging to provide abortion services to what they thought were pimps who wanted to secure abortions for sex-trafficked girls.
To argue that women who have abortions are not murderers and, therefore, should not be punished because they’ve been blinded to their crimes, he quotes 2 Corinthians 4:4 in an epic twisting of scripture
And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they will not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your bond-servants on account of Jesus. For God, who said, “Light shall shine out of darkness,” is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ
Pastor Scott Packett explains why Barber’s scripture twist is so egregious.
@bartbarber said that 2 Cor. 4:4 shows that women who murder their babies are victims due to being blinded by the enemy. However, if you go on to the next verses, Paul tells us that it is the church’s responsibility to shine light into that darkness, which is not calling them a victim, but calling them a sinner that is perishing and telling them that their only hope is the life giving gospel of Christ.
Jesus, nor any of the Apostles, ever once called sinners victims, but clearly stated we are all guilty & deserving of God’s righteous wrath. So, as long as Christ’s church continues to call some sinners, murderers in this case, victims, then how will these women ever come to the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ? We must repent of this mishandling of God’s Word, and start standing firm on its truth without apology, regardless of the cost!
Barber has a standing invitation to meet with any abolitinist southern baptist pastor- they’ll visit him on their dime, to discuss the issue, but so far Barber has steadfastly refused.
For more about Barber’s obstreperous nature when it come sto abortion:
SBC Prez. Bart Barber Slanders Conservatives and The Abolitionist Movement
Breaking! Bart Barber’s Resolutions Committee Kills Abortion Abolition Resolution in Favor of Watered Down One that Praises ERLC
SBC. President Bart Barber Slanders Abortion Abolitionists + Lies About Ectopic Pregnancies and Coercion
SBC President Bart Barber Gives a Lesson in How NOT to Repent
SBC Presidential Candidate Bart Barber Claims the Woman is “Never the One Doing the Killing” During an Abortion
A few are sometimes victims, therefore all are always victims ??
God did not author that confusion