Tucker Carlson Slams Complacent ‘Professional’ Christians David French Beth Moore & Tim Keller

One year ago, Columnist David Brooks of the New York Times touted twelve evangeleftists as “The Dissenters Trying to Save Evangelicalism From Itself.” The individuals featured in the piece as rising stars in evangelicalism were touted for their desire to make peace with the world by pushing a number of worldly philosophies on the church, including egalitarianism, critical race theory, and compromises on Biblical sexuality.
At a time when the culture puts much pressure on the church to compromise its faith, these so-called dissenters want the church to compromise with the world because they believe that the only reason that worldly people don’t come to Christ is that Christian people don’t love enough. Faux apologists like Tim Keller, a member of Brooks’ twelve dissenters, support the notion that Christians need to build enough cultural capital, the equivalent of Christian brownie points, that can be accumulated and then used to bring the world to salvation. Keller’s cultural capital system amounts to a slick repackaging of antinomianism.
In recent months, many Christians have been outspoken in their opposition to the shift in the Overton window of western society, as overt displays of homosexuality, transgenderism, and every other manner of sexual deviancy have been heralded by the media, public educators, and corrupt politicians. A number of pastors and Christian activists have risen up to oppose the indoctrination of children, interrupting Drag Queen Story Hours. Fox News’s Tucker Carlson highlighted the case of Canadian Pastor Derek Reimer, who was assaulted by transgender-supporting activists before being charged and arrested for the hate crime of interrupting an all-ages Drag Show at the Calgary public library.
Carlson specifically called out three prominent evangeleftists for lying down while Christians in Canada are arrested for protesting the indoctrination of children.
Where are all the ‘professional’ Christians? You have to wonder that again. Where is David French, and Beth Moore, and Tim Keller, and all these people who are defending Christianity, as actual Christians are being arrested for being Christians? Not a word.
The silence from Big-Eva is deafening. Of course, anyone who has been watching the trajectory of David French, Beth Moore, and Tim Keller understands that these individuals care more about their positions as ‘professional’ Christians than the affliction of Christians at the hands of a heavy-handed secularist Canadian government. David French, whose version of Christianity is heavily pietist, has spent the past year supporting gay marriage as good for society, even going so far as to support the pro-LGBTQ Respect For Marriage Act.
In the minds of pietists like French, any Christian who exercises authority in government by making righteous Bible-based law is acting as a Christian Nationalist, the Big-Eva boogeyman. Beth Moore is too wrapped up in undermining the Biblical roles of men and women to care about a lowly pastor in Canada. Moore, who has always been a horrendous handler of the scriptures but once had an orthodox view on sexuality, has gone so far as to apologize for her statements that condemned homosexuality, revising her books to remove condemnation of sexual deviancy. Cultural Marxist Tim Keller is busy legacy-building, founding the Keller Center for Apologetics. With Keller’s cultural capital system, Keller Apologetics is the equivalent of a never-ending apology tour, where views on homosexuality are nuanced, and a great example of a Christian witness comes from a non-Christian.
Christian leaders that can’t preach the Word of God to the culture because they want to be friends with the world are under the judgment of God. Perhaps the well-paid Big-Eva platformed Christian celebrities who have been appointed by leftist media organizations like the New York Times to “save Evangelicalism from itself” should re-examine their double-minded adulterous relationship with the world, submit themselves to the word of God, and allow God to define their spheres of influence and prophetic voice in a culture filled with wickedness.
You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Or do you suppose it is to no purpose that the Scripture says, “He yearns jealously over the spirit that he has made to dwell in us”? But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Be wretched and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you. James 4:4-10
They did not speak up because they are far more aligned with the anti-Christians than the biblical Christians.
Now that they have been called out, they might try to give some lip service to some concern, but they are firmly on the side of anti-Christians.
“By their fruits you shall know them.” And somehow, rotten apples just *aren’t* that appealing. 🍎
I get your point, but millions are eating their fruit…which points to the verse or two before (Matt 7:13-14).
It is impressive how TC was so precise in naming the top world-conforming leaders IN THE CHURCH.
Predictably, TK had his typical “third way,” double-speak, passive-aggressive response which falsely accuses and demonizes biblical Christians, and avoids the topic at hand, and attempts to make himself look like the loving, voice of reason in such a divided world and church. Yet he could be the one person who is most responsible for sowing deception and division in the body of believers.
What TC describes is pretty much what religionists have always done. Think, the religionist Pharisees and the worldly Herodians getting together to attack our perfect Jesus. Ultimately, the religious and the worldly getting together to attack those with true faith in Christ…it is really just an attack on Christ Himself.