SBC Reform Group Selects Guidepost Solutions To Build Sex-Abuse Watchlist Website+ Will Cost $2M to Make?

According to a press release by the Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force (ARITF), Guidepost Solutions has been chosen to develop a “Ministry Check” website that will “establish and maintain a public database of “pastors, denominational workers, ministry employees, and volunteers who have at any time been credibly accused of sexual abuse and who have been or are associated with a cooperating Southern Baptist church or entity.”
The website would serve as “a critical tool” for SBC churches to use to help them “identify sexual offenders and prevent sexual abuse” by being able to ensure that anyone they hire has not been credibly accused of sexual abuse” before.

Laughably, when examining the criteria to help them determine whether or not Guidepost would make a good partner, the ARTIF determined they did NOT have “poor quality of work for institutions in abuse crisis” when nothing could be further from the truth.

In one of our investigations, we explained how the Guidepost Sex Abuse List was deceptive, poorly researched, and almost entirely without merit. In particular, we noted that despite the report containing more than 700 entries, over 300 of the entries are against individuals who are either not part of the SBC or whose denomination is unknown. In fact, the report itself clearly states that its data is incomplete, not proofed, and not properly researched:
The information is largely pulled from news articles complied from 2007 until 2022. It is incomplete. It has not been proofed. It has not been adequately researched. It is not Southern Baptist specific.
We also noted how 66 redacted record indicates that either some or all of these entries are either completely unrelated to sex abuse or could not be verified in some way.

Furthermore, whule the target date of the investigation related to sex abuse from 2000 to 2021, a number of cases on the list occurred prior to 2000, including one that occurred in 1974. One entry that fails to hit multiple parameters is the case of Anthony Akers, a deacon in the Cary Baptist Church in Preston, Langshire UK. Akers abuse took place in England in the 1970s, when the Baptist Union of Great Britain is not affiliated with the SBC.

According to the Baptist Press, ARITF Chairman Marshall Blalock “estimates the cost will be $1.5-2 million to build the site and get it off the ground. The ARITF was given $3 million by Send Relief to accomplish the work mandated by the messengers.”
Commenting on the news, one Southern Baptist congregant expressed his disgust at the decision, writing:
“Unreal. I’m among those who predicted the #ARITF would be a complete debacle. They’ve managed to justify my suspicions with every move. Every move. This is the deconstruction of the SBC via lining the pockets of a deeply pro-LGBTQ+ lawfirm, paid by your missions giving.”
Given that I was laid off in a terrible financial circumstance a year ago, Google’s weekly benefit of 6850 USD in local currency is astounding. “W Many Thanks Google Reliable for Gifting those Rules and Soon It’s My Commitment to Pay and Rate It With Everyone.. right now I Started..”
This man is speaking out against the sex abuse within his religious community: