Asbury Revival Moving to New Site After Being Swamped by Visitors

With tens of thousands of revival chasers from all across the world descending on the small city of Wilmore, KY, to experience firsthand the s0-called ‘Asbury Revival’, the University announced that they are moving locations away from the now iconic Hughes Auditorium to a new location somewhere in the “central Kentucky area” is according to a message posted to the university website.

Apart from the auditorium, where many are scrambling to enter and which has imposed a time limit for attendees, visitors gathered in multiple outbuildings and lined up for blocks to enter. Some reports have cars backed up for miles seeking to enter the town, which has a population of 6000 and has seen its resources stressed.
By moving locations, officials hope to reduce disruptions to the school and city, which has seen its population swell 4 or 5 times its size with visitors.
Praise God