Newly Baptized Gay Disney Star Leads Worship At Pop-up Service

Days after Disney star Joshua Bassett got baptized at a Bethel Chuch Service, the 20-Year-old “gay atheist” hosted a pop-up religious show in LA. He played worship songs and gave a mini-sermonette to fans in attendance, sharing his testimony. Known for his role in High School Musical, Bassett explained that he called his dad asking how to be saved and was prompted to be baptized after he experienced a sign from God. According to previous reports by The Dissenter:
Bethel Church has done something that even at its worst, it has never done before. They are now baptizing openly professing homosexuals to the applause of the entire congregation.
….Prior to his baptism, he was asked by a pastor at Bethel why he wanted to be baptized. He said, in front of the congregation, that he had grown up Christian but had run as far away as he could in pursuit of “truth.” He revealed that his journey had only led him to addiction, depression, suicidal ideation, eating disorders, and more. However, he went on to state that “No other teacher gave me anywhere near the peace that Jesus Christ did, and I’m here to publicly declare him as my Lord and Savior.”
Unquestioningly, Bethel then went on to baptize him.
Before and after his baptism, Bassett offered a series of posts speaking of Jesus and his understanding of the gospel.

After news of his baptism hit the media, many expressed concern over Bethel church’s anti-LGBTQ theology, prompting Bassett to clarify that he strongly condemned gay conversion therapy and wasn’t aware of Bethel’s stance on it before being baptized there.

Days after his baptism, Bassett announced a pop-up service that would feature worship and testimonies.

During the event he told the crowd:
Without hesitation I called my dad and I say “Dad, I want you to help me get saved, and he helped me (unintelliegable) the sinner’s prayer. The craziest part about this is, at that very moment he was praying for the Lord to save me. At that moment.
…I’m running around telling everyone I know, I’m like “I’m a Christian now. I can’t believe it. God is real. Jesus is Great and I’m brand new.”
Though many will take this testimony and declare for absolute certainty that Bassett is a believer, all the usual cautions should apply. The evangelical landscape is littered with celebrities that believers have been burned on, and nothing should be assumed. Still, we ought to be hopeful that he’s been saved and patient with him as he begins the process of sanctification, includin making public errors. Above all else, we should pray that he gets surrounded by faithful Christians who will lead and disciple him.
Nothing has changed in thousands of years. Worldly “teachers” embrace Scripture they like and discount or flatly ignore that which condemns their favorite sins.
If we like to pray, we should pray that his conversion is real and leads to transformation (Romans 12:1-2). He doesn’t need to have all the answers immediately as new converts don’t.
Its not loving to let someone to die in there sins…. It actually indifference, set to remove personal responsibility to be salt and like.