WWIII?! Charismatic Prophetess Says Canada About to Join Iran in Attacking USA

Julie Green is the associate pastor at Faith Family Fellowship and head of Julie Green Ministries. She believes she operates in the ‘office of the prophets’ and speaks directly from God to the people, daily recording and speaking out her words of the Lord, including past claims Trump will soon be restored to the presidency, Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney will be tried for treason, and that Nancy Pelosi and other prominent Democrats would die before the 2022 midterms.
Given her predilection to be as crazy as a rat in a coffee can, she’s one of the worst critters in Christendom today. Despite being proven to be wrong over and over again, she still has a massive audience, with most videos getting between 125k-350k views on Rumble alone.
In her recent ‘prophecy’, she claims that Canada is about to join forces with Iran and Iraq to attack the United States, but the United States will prevail. Speaking for the voice of God, she proclaims:
But remember what I have said about the so-called governmental powers. I am bringing them all down and the world will know that I, and only I am the God, the creator of heaven and Earth could have done this in this way. Canada is coming to Iran and Iraq. They will all joined forces against my eagle. But they won’t see in their arrogance the traps that they’re about to run into. Traps have been set. And I told you many things are going on in the waters you can’t see, but you are about to, saith the Lord.
How dumb are the individuals who support this deluded/lying narcissistic self-promoter?
It’s truly mind boggling?!
?retomorp-fles citsissicran gniyl/deduled siht troppus ohw slaudividni eht era bmud woH
Go away troll.
I sense a backward spirit behind this comment. I bind you ‘backwards-spirit’ now go, and spell forward from now on!
Learned that from the world renowned exorcist, Bob Larson!
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Foolish partisan bafoonery. At this point in time, the USA is about as much “God’s Eagle” as was Sodom and Gomorrah.
God is not a respecter of persons. He does not side with lessers of evils.