Exorcism Confirmed! Casting Out Demons at Asbury Revival

The so-called ‘Asbury Revival’ continues apace, with more and more people singing its praises as a legitimate move of God. While up to this point it has consisted mainly of singing and testimony, it took on a new dimension after an alleged exorcism took place.
In a video of the event, people are gathered around a young woman in the middle of the aisles while another woman leading the exorcism insists, “come out of her now in Jesus’ name. I (unintelligible) every attack on that body now in Jesus’ name. Every spirit- (mass cheering and clapping)
In the video posted to his Instagram page, pastor John Coleman offers this explanation:
“Young lady gets free from demon during Asbury Revival after having a seizure ❤️🔥after stranger began casting it out.”
“Fake” revival crap. Everyone knows the Holy Spirit stopped working 2000 years ago. Read your Bibles!!
And what verse(s) in the Bible can you point me to that says the Holy Spirit stopped working? If you are going to make an accusation like that, you better back it up.
Protestia editor, please ban the above troll.
Unfortunately, our atheist alphabet troll is back, posting in other’s names.
The Holy Spirit will never stop working, as God will never cease, troll.
If the Holy Spirit stopped working 2000 years ago, humanity is screwed.
Are you a Deist ?
The Holy Spirit stopped working? Is he on vacation in the bahamas or something? HA! I jest! I think what you meant to say is the apostolic signs have ceased. God is still “working” 24/7.
God is not a God of confusion, disorder, or chaos but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints. See 1 Corinthians 14:33
I heard someone say this might be an advertisement stunt for this – it sounds just like them.
Pastor Greg Locke Announces Riveting New Documentary ‘Come Out In Jesus Name’ in Theaters Monday, March 13, 2023
New film follows Pastor Locke and a diverse group of demon-slaying preachers as they begin to spark the most important awakening in church history.
Locke Media
Feb. 9, 2023
NASHVILLE, Feb. 9, 2023 /Christian Newswire/ — Following a startling chain of events, the most controversial Christian pastor in America, Greg Locke, took a 180-degree turn from his mainstream religious traditions and led his church to the brink of revival. He and a diverse group of unconventional preachers then began to spark the most important awakening in church history — through the most unlikely means – by casting out demons.
In theaters across America Monday, March 13, 2023, this riveting new documentary, Come Out In Jesus Name, follows the beginnings of their epic journey from a small church in Tennessee to a global deliverance ministry exposing and fighting an unseen enemy destroying families and churches and paralyzing Christians with fear and bondage. Knowledge is power, and in Come Out In Jesus Name, Locke and the team show the Church how to defeat the enemy and get delivered and set free. For tickets and more information
Max, if God was to initiate a revival, he may have planned to get ahead of Greg Laurie’s Jesus Revolution release on February 24th and Greg Locke’s March release just so the Gregs couldn’t take credit for the revival. just saying.
Stick to Gamaliel’s principle. If it’s of man, it will come to nothing. If it’s of God, to oppose it would be to go against God.
Acts 5:39. Indeed
Some links for more accurate information.
it’s don coleman not john. at https://www.instagram.com/p/CotfR0TDFQz/
And what someone said:
She had a seizure not a demon attack. I was there that day. Ems took her to hospital to be seen.
ie, she was already having a seizure and being taken care of by medics team.
Casting out a devil because someone is having a health problem isn’t very biblical. It sounds abusive. If I had a heart attack, I wouldn’t want you to cast out a demon by screaming at me publically while the medics worked, I’d want you to pray for my health.
The woman who did this wasn’t a student, but connected apparently with the supernatural life they claim, who has fuller videos here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jP_DPpnfGL8.
Not a student, the whole thing is looking staged, and it isn’t as appears because she started shouting interfering well after the poor woman was having a medical emergency and was being looked after. Looks staged and very abusive to me, and not by a student. I’d like more information on it.
Demons can certainly be cast out from non-believers. The next step is to ensure she has a saving knowledge of Christ.
Other than that, there is no issue with what (they assert) occurred
Again, test all spirits
May the charlatans bullying the ill and handicap and the infiltrates of the church be quickly brought to justice, including hillsong, bethal, and the greater part of the “charismatic” movement that has caused this corruption for generations, along with all those supporting them. In the Lord Jesus Christ’s name I pray. Amen.
“The so called Asbury Revival”? Do we need to check with the reformed people first to find out if its real. Only they have the truth (satire).
confusion and chaos .. I’ve been part of these kinds of “revival” meetings for over a decade as a key member of many music teams. By the grace of God I’ve seen how fake all of this is and I’d even call some of it demonic. All of this hype and emotion are distractions to keep people away from the true Gospel of repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. It’s so weak how those “leaders” on the platform are clearly uneasy about this and just call on people to sing. ..Pathetic …I’ve seen this so many times up front. I’ve lead “revival” meetings like this and the fruit is rotten. God will save in spite of this ( I’m living proof) .. but I’m sick of everyone jumping on to this one like it’s something new.
Worship the LORD with your local church. Preach the Gospel. See people repent and believe for real. Unfortunately people don’t flock to see that.