Pro-Life Dad Who Was Arrested by Dozens of FBI Agents with Guns Drawn, Has Been Acquitted

Months ago, dozens of FBI agents with gun drawn descended on the home of pro-life Christian Mark Houck, 48, to arrest him for allegedly violating pro-choice laws as wife and children looked on in horror. Last week, he was acquitted in a federal court. According to reports:
Houck was on trial for allegedly violating the Freedom of Access to Clinics Entrances Act (FACE Act) after he shoved a pro-abortion volunteer escort who was harassing his young son outside an abortion clinic in Philadelphia. The defense argued the law does not apply in this case and that Houck was protecting his son from verbal abuse.
The FACE Act prohibits “violent, threatening, damaging, and obstructive conduct intended to injure, intimidate, or interfere with the right to seek, obtain, or provide reproductive health services.” Houck’s attorneys had argued he did nothing to interfere with anyone’s access to the abortion clinic where the incident occurred.
He was facing up to 11 years in prison and a $350,000 fine if the jury had sided with the Biden administration.
Prior to the raid on Houck’s home, attorneys with the Thomas More Society claimed to have sent emails to the FBI, explicitly offering to bring their client in for questioning — an attempt to avert any danger that could have accompanied a public arrest. Those emails, according to Houck’s attorneys, were unanswered — until more than a dozen heavily armed federal agents showed up at his home early one Friday morning to arrest him.
Mark Houck speaking outside of federal court in Philadelphia this afternoon after his incredible victory against the Biden administration’s attempt to crush free speech! #WeWillNotBeSilenced @LifeNewsHQ @LiveAction @sbaprolife @mercedesschlapp @demsforlife
— Rev. Patrick Mahoney (@revmahoney) January 30, 2023
During the incident:
Houck was at the abortion clinic praying and ministering within his legal rights (on the sidewalk, not clinic property) when clinic volunter Bruce Love approached Houck’s 12-year-old son and began unleashing a string of vile comments, cursing the young man. That’s when Houck intervened, and eventually pushed Love in order to protect his son, causing Love to fall to the ground. The police were called but they eventually decided there was a “lack of evidence” of an assault taking place and declined to pursue the issue any further.
With the good news, Houck said he’s eager to head back out and do sidewalk counseling in front of the murder mills, saying “Sign me up, I’m ready to go back out. Pray, put me down for 10 o’clock, pray, I’ll be wherever you need me. Just happy to continue the mission, the mission goes on.”
I never imagined I would live to see the day that an administration as evil as Biden’s would govern this once-great country. The FBI and DOJ are headed by godless, woke individuals eager to carry out Biden’s vision of a commie-wannabe utopia where anything relating to biblical morality/biblical Christianity is crushed.
Welcome to the 60s Soviet Union, comrades…
What are you going to do about it?
I don’t know Jacob, what do you suggest?
Love, bro. Love.
deep, bro, deep. You should flesh out that “love” for all of us.
Christians are commanded to hate evil, but you obviously would not know that.
Tommy, JC told us we should love each other. Am I right or am I right?
You again testify to your utter ignorance of God’s Word.
Psalm 97:10 You who love the LORD, hate evil! He protects the lives of his godly people and rescues them from the power of the wicked.
Proverbs 8:13 The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate.
Like Repent or Perished said, loving the LORD is the ultimate priority. If we love Him, we will obey Him. Loving our neighbor is always informed by God’s law, the 10 commandments and their expansion. Our government is basically run by many Christ haters. It is an act of love to tell sinners to believe the gospel and to repent. That’s what faithful churches do…tell and pray for the repentance of beastly governments, like ours, who continuously violate God’s commandments.
Sorry you’re too weak to follow Jesus, Tom. Something to work on.
My fault, I should have realized you are a babbling and foolish whatever prone to antinominism, devoid of any real biblical knowledge. Here, chew on this verse Jacob.
John 14:15 “If you love me, keep my commandments”.
I forgot to a add Jacob, that it’s a really bad look to be boasting in your “strength” to follow Jesus, as opposed to my so call weakness not to follow Him. If we are to boast, let us boast in the Lord. Every Christian lives by the strength and grace of the Lord, not by their own strength. Just read the Apostles.
There you go assuming again. I see you don’t even respect the Bible enough to capitalize it. Disgusting snowflake.
Where did I boast of my own strength? You seem overly willing to shame others. I’ll have to ask for forgiveness for believing I was engaged in civil discourse with an adult and not some child.
When I became a man, I put away childish things.
You implied it Jacob by pointing out I’m too weak to follow Jesus. By implication you must be strong because you are following Jesus. You shame yourself by your loopy view of the bible, and your generally incoherent babbling.
Once-great country? Thomas Jefferson created his own version of the Bible by tearing out all the portions that dealt with the divinity and miracles of Jesus. Imagine a US president doing that these days, which none have. John Adams despised the doctrine that Christ is God in the flesh as an “awful blasphemy.” Benjamin Franklin was a self-righteous adulterer who created his own religion, esteeming it more worthy of following than Christ. Many of these founding fathers were just as evil if not more so than President Biden; they hated and hate Christianity, God, and Christ.
The founders purposely rejected and left out any mention of Jesus Christ as king of the nation, and His law as the law of the land. We’ve been reaping what we sowed ever since. The 3 kingdoms of England, Ireland, and Scotland actually covenanted with each other and God, but then for the most part perjured themselves by undermining those covenants almost immediately.
Mark Houck is a Roman Catholic, not a Christian.
I agree.
I hope a Civil Rights lawsuit is to follow