United Methodist Churches Loses 1831 Congregations After Affirming LBGTQ+

The Revs. Martha E. Vink (left) and Alka Lyall lead a Holy Communion service during an Advent gathering in December 2019 at St. Andrew United Methodist Church in Highlands Ranch, Colo. The two are among the collaborators organizing the Liberation Methodist Connexion, a new denomination that held an online launch event on Nov. 29. Photo courtesy of LMX.
In the last three years, 1831 congregations have split from the United Methodist Church over its acceptance and celebration of homosexuality, according to a new report by their General Council on Finance and Administration. These numbers were far lower than most prognosticators anticipated, with some fearing they might lose half their churches.
The congregations that left represents a mere 6% of the 30,000 congregations worldwide.
With a schism seemingly averted, what remains in the UMC is truly a terrible sight to behold. The faithful are all gone, and the remaining 28000 denominations are populated by a bunch of woke pagans with Christian ideations that can’t agree on how badly they hate the bible and the best way to make molest it into affirming the doctrine of demons.
In 2019, conservatives (ish) signaled their intention to leave the denomination over their progressive views of homosexuality, acceptance of other deviant sexual theology, and support for abortion rights. After jumping through a bunch of hoops, they were able to leave while retaining their property and buildings, with most joining the newly minted, more conservative Global Methodist Church.
Did “Staff Writer” go to college? Did “Staff Writer” (and “Editor”) take any English classes along the way? No wonder it was published as “Staff Writer”…saved a lot of time making those silly grammar corrections. Now, what was this article about?
Be that as it may, you sure have your priorities in line…with what, I can’t say.
Staff writer is the primary contributor of priests, his identity isn’t hidden, but since you’re lazy, I ain’t telling you who it is. Of course all you can do is shine about grammar bc you have no biblical rebuttal. Pathetic.
6% of congregations left…and 95% of contributions.
That leaves how many left in the United Methodist Church? They should have kicked out the ones from the church who tolerated, endorsed, and even embraced sin and stayed true to John Wesley, the Bible, and to the teachings of the Apostles and of Jesus Christ himself!
It is interesting to note that this comes off as mere whining because people are tired of being manipulated by Christian Ideologies, which were based on a bible that was conpiled as a control mechanism by Rome of the early writings of the day.
You supposed Christians have had over two thousand years to get it right and you still stick to those same old tired admonitions which were outlined in the Old Testament, apparently not understanding a word Jesus said. The part most have forgotten is why Jesus stated that the Kingdom of heaven is within and that he was not the savior the Jews were looking for.
When Christians looked for an enemy they found one in the gay community, which of course they bludgeoned unmercifully. Finally, the gay community woke up and stood their ground much to the Christians’s chagrin.
You Christians created this problem and now you are having to face the vicissitudes of your own hate. Do you actually believe that Jesus promoted hate, such as the bigotry American Christians promote. You are losing parishioners because you no longer understand what you preach !!!
As Christians we don’t read the Roman wrote Catholic Bible, we read the word of God. You are welcome to play with eternal fire if you wish but don’t smear people along the way. Please edit your post and replace the word Christian with Catholic.
No, the Jews were looking for an Earthly King to kill off all their enemies. That is what Jesus meant when he said he was not the savior they were looking for.
Here’s what Jesus really said about what comes from within:
“For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.” – Mark 7:21-23
The Greek word for sexual immorality, in verse 21, is porneia, which in scripture refers to any and everything sexual outside the marriage of one man and one woman, including homosexuality. And it is repeatedly used in Revelation, given as a significant reason why God will pour out His wrath.
Hail Hydra! Eh?
Jesus said to the disciples if they won’t receive you then shake the dust off your feet and be gone.
The Bible is many things but central to its purpose are Canons (rules) of morality and judgment of how to live one’s life in Gods image. No believer (or follower) of its tenants can dismiss or rationalize away its Canons (rules) where in Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:27, Corinthians 6:9, Timothy 1:8, Jude 1:5 there is clear and concise behaviors which are not permitted. A Reformation now is necessary to purge the heretics and blasphemous from the flock who don’t fly straight by the Lord.
I had a dream. In my dream, I was in a dead end street with very old buildings on all three sides, the buildings were pressed close together, they were old churches, great in their time, but they were old,worn and empty, I walked to the last building at the end of that street and I saw a woman standing in the door way. I spoke to her and I ask ,Is this the place were the sale is taking place, Yes ,Please come it and look, I went in and walked by the things for sale, everything was worn out, rotten, then I came to the table where a small podium was setting, I spoke to the lady, and I said, this is the only thing of value that I have found, but the many layers of paint has made it ugly, she spoke, and she said, we will just paint it again, I said No, no paint will help this wood, let all the many layers be removed and you shall it see it in all its glory and beautiful
sodomites are deranged perverts.
It above is very defensive isn’t it? Angry and feels guilty. And afraid of hell fire, which is coming it ways without repentance. Gay people don’t bother me. Individually but God himself said homosexuality is a sin. It really needs to shake its tiny fist at the shaky.
the vote to leave is rigged. It requires 2/3 of the congregation to leave the methodist church, only 1/3 of the congregation to remain affiliated. Those churches that voted to remain affliliated will lose a lot of members.
I have to wonder, does the United Methodist Church tear out the pages of Romans Chapter One? If you disregard one part of the bible than you can disregard any part which leaves you with nothing to stand on. If the bible is not the word of God you are left with the traditions of sinful man as your guide.
I attended a funeral in an old, grand, large Methodist church in Lawrence, Kansas. Seeing the gay rainbow prominently featured behind the altar was incredibly sad. This church spends more time on “social justice” issues than the Gospel, kowtowing to every woke movement of the moment.
It really hit me there that surely we are in the last days…