Jonathan Merritt Calls Fundamentalist Christians ‘Gossipy, Gluttonous, Greedy Racists’

Jonathan Merritt is a journalist who has become a favorite of the Evangelical Intelligentsia. We’ve written about before after he was last seen promoting “theistic evolution” and arguing that women can lead churches because they have cracked nipples when they breastfeed. Though we have known he was gay for over a decade, he only came out publicly last year, much to the joy and celebration of the usual suspects of celebrity Christians who are enchanted by his effete affectations.
He was last on our radar after his father, Pastor James Merritt, the former President of the Southern Baptist Convention, released a message encouraging his thousands of followers to listen to a sermon from his son, commending it as both “brilliant” and “faithful to the gospel.” In turn, his son took it for the ringing endorsement it was intended to be, retweeting it to his own 70k followers. This would be uncontroversial if not for the fact that his son is an unrepentant homosexual, preaching a message at a pro-LGBTQ church, and his sermon was objectively terrible
In a new post, Merritt takes a shot at seemingly any and all fundamentalist churches, describing them as full of gossipy, gluttonous, greedy racists, demonstrating his disdain in 140 characters.

Progressives gonna prog.
God did not destroy two cities because they overate at the buffet.
Ever notice how the children of the “leaders” of the SBC conservative movement all have problems? You have Jonathan Merritt, Andy Stanley and rumors are Al Mohler’s son.
it’s always wrong to condemn sexual degenerates and probable pedos
it’s always ok to condemn other Christians
love is love, bigots
Also nepotism, aint it awesome!
Oh, so edgy!
Sorry junior, but the news that Christians are still flawed human beings is hardly a revelation.
Well, maybe Sarah, Bob and Jim have issues, but a zillion times out of a hundred, I’d choose to be with them at their hypocritical church over someplace where I’d be greeted by twinkie-boy-Jonathan in his homo coat. Personally, I’m thrilled that a mouthy gay finds so much fault in the Christian church, and chooses to persecute it. Maybe we are doing something right.
“…twinkie-boy-Jonathan in his homo coat.”
Oh no, you didn’t 😛
Sweet huh!
The comments here are so great that I don’t really feel the need to add my two cents. Bravo guys!