“Reformed Christian” Rep. Hillary Scholten Quotes Jeremiah 1:5 To DEFEND Elective Abortion

Newly-elected Rep. Hillary Scholten (D-MI) quotes scripture to defend the practice of child sacrifice in pursuit of prosperity during a House floor speech on January 11, 2023. Scholten has served as a DEACON in a Christian Reformed Church (CRCNA), LaGrave Avenue Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, and her husband is a professor at Calvin University, which is affiliated with the denomination.

Madame Speaker, I rise today in support of parental and maternal rights and in opposition to H.R 26. I’m the first mother in history to represent West Michigan in Congress. This matter is deeply personal to me. I recently shared publicly about my own experience navigating a complex miscarriage and the loss of my daughter.

As a pro-choice Christian who chose life, this issue is so personal to me. My faith informs my actions, but it doesn’t dictate the policy of an entire nation. And further, when I read the scripture, I turn to passages and I’m guided by passages like Jeremiah 1 verses [sic] 5, which states: “I knew you before I formed you, and I placed you in your mother’s womb.” Doesn’t say the government’s womb or the Speaker’s womb. It says the mother’s womb.

I believe life is precious, but I reject the idea that if I embrace the sanctity of life, I also must be forced to invite the federal government in to regulate it. We must protect families from unnecessary government intrusion into the most sacred and personal decisions of our lives.

h/to @WokepreacherTV for basically this whole post, as it’s cribbed directly from his YT page. Also, unsurprisingly, she’s also LGBTQ-affirming. She’s not a Christian at all, and her church is cowardly for not excommunicating her and handing her over to Satan.

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5 thoughts on ““Reformed Christian” Rep. Hillary Scholten Quotes Jeremiah 1:5 To DEFEND Elective Abortion

  1. An example of why lukewarm is far worse than cold. In compromising with the world, she knowingly and intentionally advocates for that which she acknowledges is the murder of an individual person, and in doing so leaves no distinction between born or unborn. By her “reasoning” parents should be allowed to murder their children at any age.

    Yet there is little doubt, when it comes to indoctrination of children to normalize, accept, respect, and celebrate abominable sin, she likely argues that parents should have no rights or say at all, and that the government should regulate every aspect of the child’s life, learning and development, barely short of making the child government property. And that anyone, including parents, who dare seek to help the child turn from that evil, to counter the government-endorsed indoctrination should be severely punished.

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