Mark Driscoll’s New Promo Material for an Upcoming Sex Sermon Series is Something Else

Mark Driscoll’s Trinity Church has started putting out promo material for an upcoming 8-week sermon series, with the disgraced pastor putting out mailers and billboards informing potential attendees that “The same God who heats up our valley wants to heat up your marriage” and “Married couples: has your bedroom become your bored room? We’re here to help”

The mailers and billboards link to the church’s website, informing them that the sermon series is based on a new book by Driscoll called Real Romance, Sex in the Book of Songs.
Driscoll famously preached a controversial sermon in 2007 on the Songs of Songs, in Edinburgh, Scotland, which was scrubbed from the internet but not before being captured.
In it, he went into graphic detail on the vagina, urged wives to dance and strip for their husbands, said refusing to give a spouse oral sex is a sin, and told a story about how a man started coming to his church after he insisted in a bible study that the wife repent of withholding oral sex from him.
“We had a woman like that in our church. She became a Christian and her husband was not a Christian. He hated the church, wanted nothing to do with the church. She kept browbeating him about Jesus: “you need to get saved, you’re gonna burn in hell” (and) he had no interest in that.
And so finally I was teaching a class on sex and she said “oh, so oral sex on a husband is what a wife is supposed to do?” I said “yes.” She said “my husband’s always wanted that but I’ve refused him.”
I went to 1Peter 3, I said the Bible says if your husband is not a Christian that you are to win him over with deeds of kindness.
I said so go home and tell your husband that you were in a Bible study today and that God has convicted you have sin, and repent, and perform oral sex on your husband and tell them that Jesus, Jesus Christ commands you to do so. The next week a man showed up at church.
As far as we are aware, he has never publicly recanted, retracted, or apologized for it.
There is no word whether or not this new series will have similar admonitions and marital advice.
Driscoll’s Mars Hill Ministry imploded in 2014 after his elders accused him of being arrogant, crude, bullying, harsh, and overbearing. Rather than stay and submit to the ignominy of church discipline, Mark took his ball and went home, resigning and starting a new church in Arizona (the 1000-member Trinity Church) that notably does not have elders who can reign him in and keep him in check. His lack of elders is not for lack of prospects, but rather is being done to avoid accountability and accumulate maximum control, and where his better angels have transformed into crooked and decrepit demons.
It was only a year ago that nearly 40 elders who once worked at Mars Hill Church and served alongside Mark Driscoll during the most tumultuous years of his career released a public statement outlining their dismay that their former leader has continued his abusive tactics at his new church; calling on him to step down and to enter into a process of conciliation with those he abused.
Though Driscoll was once more or less sound and orthodox in the faith, being a leader and key figure in the Young, Restless and Reformed movement of the late ’90s and early 2000s, he drifted more and more towards false teaching and embracing heretics.
Over the years, apart from starting a new church where there are no elders so that he has absolute rule and can reign over his church unquestioned, he has ridiculed reformed theology, called Calvinism “garbage” defended the Roman Catholic church by saying it affirms essential doctrines, and famously publicly repented for criticizing Joel Osteen.
h/t to @StuffCCLikes on Twitter
Just goes to show you that you can never fix a narcissist.
It takes 8 weeks to explain these things? Should take about 8 minutes. Anyway the series will attract alot of “duh” people.
I have no problem with a church telling people that there is no shame in enjoying God’s gift of intimacy in a marriage, but I find it salacious and tawdry to use sex to pack the pews.
So if you’re declared unfit to preach, you just pull up stakes, find a new group of unsuspecting marks and start over ? Sounds about right …
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