Thousands* Show Up to Kirk Cameron Story Hour After Previously Rejected by 50 Libraries

A month after Kirk Cameron revealed that he’d been shut down by more than 50 public libraries that rebuffed his attempts to put on a “story hour program” in the promotion and sharing of his new book As you Grow, the Indianapolis Public Library allowed him to put on the event, which drew thousands of attendees, according to his publisher.
Responding to the initial refusal, Cameron’s publisher told Fox News last month, “Many of the same libraries that won’t give Cameron a slot…are actively offering ‘drag queen’ story hours or similar programs for kids and young people.”
One of the libraries that rejected the request was Rochambeau Public Library in Providence, R.I, which told Cameron’s publisher, “We are a very queer-friendly library. Our messaging does not align.”
Brave Story Books were ecstatic about the new turnout, writing on Twitter:

The Indianapolis Public Library disputes the claims of 2500 attendees, however, saying that they estimated only 750 people showed up at the door, as well as took issue with other claims made by the publisher.
Proverbs 22:6
6 Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Kudos to those good parents who showed up to support what is good in opposition to the ungodly library management 🙂