Charismatic Prophet Gets Egg on His Face After Ridiculous False Prophecy

Evangelist Kent Christmas is the founder of Regeneration Nashville in Nashville, Tennessee. Described by his church bio as a pastor whose “passion is to strengthen the local church body and to share prophetic insight,” Christmas considers himself a prophet who regularly shares messages from God and other prophecies that turn out to be embarrassingly wrong.
In late 2019, he prophesied that 2020 would be a year of explosive joy and financial “wealth transfers”, speaking for God by saying, “What I (God) am now releasing in the earth is going to be so glorious both spiritually and in the natural realm, that you will forget the pain and suffering that you have endured…”
In 2021, he again got it completely wrong, claiming that the church would become full (most were empty most of the year) and that “hospitals and clinics will become empty.”
Prepare yourselves for 2022. Sickness and disease will be so bound by the church in the earth that hospitals and clinics will become empty, while the church has become full. I am going to stamp out AIDS says the Lord. Cancer is going to begin to disappear. And the world will stand and say ‘how could this be?’
This is just more of the sad, sick leaven of the charismatic movement, where false prophets can speak for God and then when proven wrong, are given a pass by fellow continuationists who don’t care.
Narcissistic self-promoters like this make the ancient Pharisees and Sadducees look like saints.