‘Hookersexuals’? Pride Flag Evolves to Include Prostitutes and the Disabled

The PRIDE flag continues evolving from one monstrosity to the next, with new iterations including designations for sex workers and the disabled. 

Bursting on the scene in 1978, the rainbow flag has become a symbol for sexual deviants who would appropriate God’s promise to mankind and turn it into something ugly. They’ve taken what was once a promise from the Lord that he would never flood the earth again into a cultural phenomenon that leaves God regretting he’d ever made that promise, for how badly we deserve it.

Not content to rest on their laurels, even Microsoft came up with a flag idea that features. 40 LGBTQIA+ ‘Communities’, including Aceflux, Graysexual, Maverique and Trigender

Originally conceived a few years ago, the new sign is something special, with the red umbrella representing those who ply their wares for money or drugs.


Unfortunately, it’s already obsolete, as these folk won’t be content until every bizarre and emotional self-identification is represented all the time

For LBGTQ folk and the progressives in power, they’ll never be content with us just tolerating their wayward ways, but rather will keep on pushing until every man, woman, and child celebrates their lifestyle , with threats to destroy their lives if they resist or step out of line.

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10 thoughts on “‘Hookersexuals’? Pride Flag Evolves to Include Prostitutes and the Disabled

  1. We all know women want a man that’s a Retrosexual. The little flags are cute, the people that get a thrill out of them are sad sacks, and they know it. Even the MSNBC reporter covering the Trucker Protest in Canada admired the Retrosexual men that build hot tubs, saunas and pizza ovens. She wanted them and she hated herself for it. There’s a Joan Jet song out there somewhere…

    1. Just call these things what they are: FREAKS!!!!!! LGBTQXYZ123WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that should cover it….

  2. All deviant and obsessive behaviors are most welcome in the amoral alphabet community… at least until they change their minds… again.

  3. Hijacking skin color. Hijacking disability. Hijacking women. The perverted degenerates will latch on to the coattails of anybody and everybody they can think of in order to advance their wicked cause. When you oppose them, the first words out of their reprobate mouths is always something like “you hate the disabled!” Just as they defend the abominable disrespect for marriage act, “you hate interracial marriage!” But such is an implicit admission. If they didn’t know it is abominable sin, they wouldn’t employ such deceitful tactics.

  4. As long as the godless are going to make a flag to represent all their favorite sins, where’s the acknowledgment for theft, murder, etc.? This flag is obviously not complete.

  5. Philippians 2:10-11
    “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
    And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

    “That’s all Folks!”

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