National Association of Evangelicals Lobbied Senators to Support Pro-LBGTQ “Respect for Marriage Act”
In The National Association of Evangelicals Fiddles While Healthy Breasts Burn, we previously explained how the group has become increasingly entrenched in their recalcitrance and pitiful in their irrelevancy.
Led by Walter Kim and having Ed Stetzer on their Executive Committee, the lobbying group that represents tens of thousands of churches from over 40 denominations recently demonstrated their lack of representation by supporting a legislative initiative called Fairness for All, which sought to codify sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes, adding them to federal nondiscrimination laws. This is in addition to a thousand other progressive cuts and hot takes perfectly by their newly released blockbuster report Loving the Least of These.
Recently, Kim wrote to Senators Tammy Baldwin and Susan Collins seeking to squeeze them into supporting the Respect for Marriage Act, a brutish misnomer of a name if there ever was one.
According to the Hill, the bill would “require the federal government to recognize a marriage if it was valid in the state where it was performed and guarantee that valid marriages are given full faith and credit in other states.” while also protecting religious groups from being forced to accommodate them (even though it won’t do the latter at all.)
Kim called the legislation “important, commonsense provisions” and thanked the politicians for “diligently working to ensure the inclusion of important religious freedom protections” in the act.
Noted Christian scholar Robert Gagnon expressed his disbelief at NAE’s actions, calling for the Resignation of Kim for supporting “the worst legislation in my lifetime, which pulls the rug out from any reasonable definition of marriage.
When NAE pushed back, offering that “NAE supported the religious liberty protections in the Respect for Marriage Act, but did not endorse the bill as a whole,” Gagnon doubled down, writing:
“This response by the NAE to my calling for Kim’s resignation is a prime example of doublespeak. Kim falsely extolled the bill as a whole for “advancing religious freedom for all.” Last year he lamented a Christian “winner-take-all” approach & supported “gay rights” legislation.”
Twitter user Tyler points out the real issue here with the NAE and other groups like them, a resignation to playing the defense rather than an aggressive insistence on going on the offensive.
That the NAE would such forethought and clarity of purpose.
At no time, in no place, in no capacity, to no degree, will I ever tolerate, accommodate, or respect abominable sin. No debate. No discussion. No compromise. It ain’t happening.
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The church has been thoroughly infiltrated by The Evil One at this point – surely, the end of days is upon us.
More evidence that Evangelicalism is a complete and utter waste land. Not a faithful person as far as the eye can see. Supported by 40 denoms…actually supported by 40 schismatic and unfaithful denoms…flee!!
It is simply NOT possible to know Jesus Christ, and be dedicated to Him, and do support such perverted beliefs. There is such a thing as ABSOLUTE TRUTH.