Waukesha Murderer Darrell Brooks Gives Surprisingly Accurate Gospel Presentation to Court During Sentencing

Prior to being sentenced to six consecutive life sentences for first-degree intentional homicide, Darrell Brooks, who murdered many after driving his SUV through a Christmas parade in Waukesha, WI last year, gave a surprising solid gospel presentation that is more clear and accurate than most Christians could give.
Judge: Mr. Brooks, I’ll turn it over to you then. This is your opportunity to address the court. What if anything, would you like to say sir?
Brooks: I do have a lot to say. I would like to stand up if I may. This is emotional, I apologize for taking so long. I want to start first by giving glory to God. I believe in Jesus Christ wholeheartedly. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
I believe that he was sent here by the Father to die for all our sins, everybody. Everybody in his courtroom today, everyone walking this planet, mostly for those of us who will believe.
I believe that he was crucified on the cross at Calvary. That he shed His blood on that cross and he died and he was buried, and then he rose again after three days to glory. Took his glorious place at the right hand of the Father.
The Bible says that he was exalted and given a name that is exalted above all names, so that
the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow, in heaven or on earth and under the earth, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
And it’s not just something that I was taught by my family, it’s something I believe in my heart.
We have no idea if he means any of it. If his trial was any indication, it’s highly unlikely, given that he showed no remorse for his murders or empathy for his victims and behaved in a belligerent and spastic way the entire time. We have no reason to suppose that he is sincere and that this is genuine. Still, it is strange to see it articulated so (relatively) well in these circumstances.
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we’ve been following it very closely (from the area). He 100% has not converted yet. however, he heard the gospel a few times during the trial so maybe he’s picked it up from that.