New Record! Planned Parenthood Annual Report Reveals They Killed THIS MANY Babies Last Year, Their Highest Yet!

The apex predator of the baby-killing world, Planned Parenthood, has released its 2020-2021 annual report and it’s as grisly as ever. The report reveals that despite the ravages of the pandemic, which saw some of their death mills at least temporarily shuttered, they killed a record breaking-number of little ones, growing almost all their services from the year before.

Plan Parenthood notes that they saw 2.16M patients and gave 8.65M services, including 372,000 Pap tests and breast exams, 2.19M birth control services, and 4.45M STI tests and treatments.

As far as abortions, they had their best year ever, murdering 383,460 children through surgical abortions, compared to 354,871 the year before.

They also dispensed 505,855 ’emergency contraception kits’ containing Plan-B and other abortifacient pills, and offered a paltry 2,667 adoption referrals, along with 8,775 prenatal services.

Editor’s Note. Not for nothing, but the fact that so many abortion clinics fought to stay open during the pandemic while so many churches folded and shut their doors is a damning indictment against them. While congregations saw their numbers crash, Planned Parenthood saw theirs soar.

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