KJVO Pastor Has a Book Burning Night, Setting Fire to NIV, ESV, NASB, and NKJV Bibles

Stedfast Baptist Church is an independent fundamental King James Only church in Watauga, TX, pastored by Jonathan Shelley, a controversial perhaps best known for publicly and repeatedly calling for the death of all homosexuals, exemplified in this brief sermon snippet:
It’s going beyond just saying you do all this wicked stuff, it’s saying you enjoy it. You enjoy murder. You enjoy malignity. You enjoy hating God. Look, there’s only one group that enjoys that, is the PRIDE parades going up down the street.
And you know, it’s great when trucks accidentally go through those, you know, parades. I think only one person died, so hopefully we can hope for more in the future.
You say ‘oh that’s mean’. Yeah, but the bible says that they’re worthy of death.
You say, ‘Are you sad when fags die?’ No, I think it’s great. I hope they all die. I would love it if every fag would die right now. And you say, ‘Well, I don’t think that’s what you really mean’. That’s exactly what I mean. I really mean it.
Far from believing that the KJV is simply the best or preferred translation, Shelley’s particular brand of fundamentalist, including notables like Steven Anderson, believe that all bible versions not the KJV are filthy vile, perversions, and deserved to be destroyed.
During the festive event, which he held August 25, 2022, Shelly tells the many children lined up to make sure they have their parents permission to toss the bibles into the burn barrel, warning ‘hell’s going to be hotter than this folks.’
h/t to the Friendly Atheist
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This is great! Burn all filthy fake bibles as abominations. Don’t vote. REPENT and READ YOUR KJV BIBLE. We need more of this. King James was good enough for Jesus; he’s good enough for me. It’s cutting edge stuff!
Lol. Jesus himself wrote the whole KJV and said anyone who doesn’t only read this is going to hell. That’s exactly what is happening. Completely orthodox Christian teaching.
Bthumper is a godless, ignorant, trouble-making troll. Trying to be sarcastic. Failing badly.
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I do wonder what the KJVO crowd does with the bibles that are translated into 170 or so other languages? Are all Christians in the world supposed to learn 17th century English, or are only clergy to learn it and read it from the pulpit so no one can understand, just like the Roman Catholic church did with Latin?
The Lord is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Pet 3:9). And our witness should reflect and respect God’s decision in that regard. Though homosexuality is a death penalty offence, by God’s law, it is He who will judge the world. The Bible tells us to turn away from them and to have nothing to do with them.
That said, I’m going to be flat-out honest. As much as they have imposed, encroached, crossed the line, targeted our children, targeted our livelihoods, extorted us, demanded that we abandon God’s standards or else, and so on, refusing to allow us to turn away and have nothing to do with them, even going so far as demanding that we revel in their sin, even using the power of government to force and exhort us, if they were to all disappear, if their impositions and encroachments were to end, it would indeed be a relief. I’m not going to lie. I would not miss them.
When things like that are said, there’s a visceral, knee-jerk reaction. We don’t want to see anyone die, especially when we know the Bible says they are going to Hell. And we’re certainly not advocating for murder. But stopping to think about it, considering how bad things have become these days, if God were to rid us of them, one way or another, that would be just fine with me. I’m not going to lie. It would indeed be a relief. Twenty or thirty years ago, I might’ve said something different, but at this point in time I can’t make myself disagree with Mr. Shelley on that point.
Of course, he’s wrong about KJV-only. It’s a good translation, arguably the most accurate translation, but it does not replace the original manuscripts in the original languages.
thanks for this post. i wouldn’t have believed it had i not seen it.
if this pastor wants to be really serious he could start preaching in aramaic, greek, and hebrew. he is really NOT focusing deeply enough on purity. (sarcasm)
Small wonder so many despise and ridicule (what they perceive to be) Christianity.
“We have met the enemy, and they are us…”
There are lots of wolves with their goats as well. Likely the vast majority at this point. This was the case during Jesus’s earthly ministry also.
GOOD FOR HIM! Every copy of the NIB should be destroyed; it was written and edited by some of the worst people to ever even glance at a Bible. Wescott and Hort were in the Occult up to their eyeballs and one of the ‘writers/editors is a ‘proud lesbian’ and was known as such when she was allowed to ‘edit’ the NIV. Burn that trash!
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You should have titled this article, “Satanic Cult Burns God’s Word.”
I believe the KJ is Gods Bible to the English speaking world but burning those bad translations is only going to give the anti-KJ the ability to lump us into the fringe groups. Sad!
Because you are!
There are many decent translations out there. The KJV is no better or worse than any others.
Excluding, of course, the New World, The ‘Passion’ translation, The Message and the Living Bible.