Victory: California Can’t Force Churches to Cover Abortion in Insurance Plans, Court Rules

Photo by Tom Fisk:
(Christian Headlines) A group of California churches won a major religious liberty victory Thursday when a federal court ruled that the state of California cannot force them to cover abortion in their insurance plans.
At issue was a rule by the California Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) that requires companies to offer insurance plans that cover abortion. Three California churches – Foothill Church, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills and Shepherd of the Hills Church – subsequently sued the state after being denied insurance that did not include abortion coverage.
On Thursday, U.S. District Chief Judge Kimberly Mueller, an Obama nominee, sided with the churches, ruling that the state had violated the churches’ rights under the Free Exercise Clause of the Constitution’s First Amendment. That clause says Congress shall make no law “prohibiting the free exercise” of religion.
The state’s action, Mueller wrote, imposes a “substantial burden” on their religious liberty. Alliance Defending Freedom, which represented the churches, applauded the decision.
“The government can’t force a church or any other religious employer to violate their faith and conscience by participating in funding abortion,” said…to continue reading, click here.
Editor’s Note. This article was written by Michael Foust and published at Christian Headlines.
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The court system is an abomination and any “Christian” who uses the courts is supporting immorality . You need to REPENT and READ YOUR BIBLE!
I am currently growing further $19k or extra month-to-month from domestic through doing extraordinarily sincere and clean task online from domestic. I actually have obtained specifically $20845 ultimate month from this domestic task. w330} be a district of currently this task and start making more money online through observe coaching
at the given website……..
Keep trying, maybe one of these days you might accidentally post something that makes sense.
You’re being convicted of wrongdoing, conscience is bothering you, and you’re trying every angle you can think of, no matter how inane, to try to justify your support for abominable sin. You should heed God’s conviction.
So we agree using the courts is an abominable sin. Thank you xir for agreeing with David French and the Gospel Coalition! You are a very much reformed.
You’ve been posting the same inane nonsense since the MAGA thread. You need to quit bearing false witness. False accusation is a serious sin.
By supporting the abominable sins of the pride crowd, it is you who agrees with French and TGC.
I have a right to not vote a straight ticket. And if there are no good candidates, the right to not vote at all. It’s called making them earn your vote. If you don’t like it, too flipping bad, you’re free to move to some country where people are forced to vote.
The republican party officially accepted, endorsed, and celebrated homosexuality. It has become part of their platform. And they did this while Bible-believing Christians are being targeted, sued into poverty, fired from their jobs, children indoctrinated, extorted, backed into a corner like never before in this country.
The only way they would ever get a straight republican vote out of me again, is if they completely reversed course, kicked out all the homosexuals they have elevated to high places, take no money from homosexual donors, publicly condemn the abominable sin of homosexuality, and remove it from their platform.
You and I both know that’s not likely to happen. They are experts at pretending to fight, while backpedaling down the same path to Hell as David French and TGC. Give it ten years, maybe less, and the republican party will be singing the exact same tune democrats are singing now. I’m old enough to know. I’ve watched it happen for decades. That is why I said, if I ever vote again, it will be for very select few candidates.
I am currently growing further $19k or extra month-to-month from domestic through doing extraordinarily sincere and clean task online from domestic. I actually have obtained specifically $20845 ultimate month from this domestic task. w210} be a district of currently this task and start making more money online through observe coaching
at the given website……..