Lutheran National Gathering Features Pagan ‘Smudging’ Service +Native Spirituality

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is wrapping up its triennial gathering of Churchwide Assembly today. Happening only once every three years, nearly 900 voting members of the wicked and perverse denomination, representing 3 million wicked and perverse members, descended on the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio, to discuss new business and hammer out some new resolutions, such as how best to give counseling to people traumatized by the overturning of Roe v Wade while formally repudiating the ‘Doctrine of Discovery.
As part of the ceremony, the Lutheran Denomination apologized to Indigenous folks for the Roman Catholic Church’s doctrine of Discovery, which was part of The Papal Bull “Inter Caetera,” issued by Pope Alexander VI. on May 4, 1493. According to Gilderlehrman:
The Bull stated that any land not inhabited by Christians was available to be “discovered,” claimed, and exploited by Christian rulers and declared that “the Catholic faith and the Christian religion be exalted and be everywhere increased and spread, that the health of souls be cared for and that barbarous nations be overthrown and brought to the faith itself.”
They also had a ‘Smudging Ceremony.” According to sources:
Smudging is a Native American ritual that links smoke with spirituality… This is a common ceremonial ritual among indigenous people, held closely within these cultures to purify, spiritually cleanse, rid physical spaces of negative energy, and bless.”
“Smudging is the bridge between mortal life and higher realms, bringing in good spirits and eliminating any negative, stagnant ones. This ceremony lifts away any sadness, impurities, anxieties, and remediates poor health, leaving nothing but peace and harmony for both individuals and the environment after the cleansing.”
But this is the progressive Lutherans doing it, mixing pagan spirituality with Christian prayers, to their father the devil.
“Under a ceiling illuminated in the colors of the Four Directions, Pastor Paul from Lutheran Church of the Wilderness participated in smudging as part of the worship liturgy yesterday at Churchwide Assembly.”
h/t Exposing the ELCA
Looks like the place is the void of men
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