More Modalism? Pastor Mike Todd Says The Father is God 1.0, Jesus is God 2.0, and the Holy Ghost is God 3.0

Three weeks ago, a new video came to light featuring Transformation Church’s Lead Pastor Michael Todd preaching modalism, using vats of water, ice, and dry ice to show that in the same way these are all “expressions” of H₂O, just in a different form, so are the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost “expressions” of God.
Todd is known for crowd surfing during his church’s worship service and spending a lot of money. In the last two years, he’s given away $3,500,000 in houses, cash, and cars, spent $65,000 to buy 168 pairs of shoes, gave $600,000 away in “reparations” and purchased a real estate complex for over $20,000,000, and then another for $35,000,000. He also gave away a million dollars in a recent sermon series.
He’s also known for frequently appearing on Preachers n Sneakers Instagram account for wearing insanely expensive clothing and for giving the world perhaps the grossest illustration in church after he snorted and then hocked a loogie full of spit and snot into his hand and rubbed it in another man’s face.
In a newly unearthed video from his April 18, 2021 sermon Why Wouldn’t You Accept The Upgrade, Todd continues in his quest to explain the Trinity in the worse way possible, likening the Holy Spirit to an upgrade you might get for your phone- why wouldn’t you trade in the iPhone 6 for an iPhone 12- and comparing the godhead to software that you might need an upgrade for, where the Father is God version 1.0, Jesus is God 2.0, and the Holy Ghost is God 3.0
Why wouldn’t you accept the upgrade? Why? Why wouldn’t I have all of this power available to me all, of this help available to me? Because somebody said it was weird? Because somebody abused that the term before? Because you were never taught about it?
I have a burden to help you experience God 3.0. See, a lot of people don’t realize that there’s three versions of God, and when you talk about an operating system, it just makes sense to me in my mind. Most of us recognize God. Most of us have loaded up the operating system of God. We say ‘You know what? I recognize him’ But it is my goal at Transformation Church, we represent God to the lost and found, for one reason- that’s transformation in Christ.
What we want you to do is not just recognize that there is a big man upstairs, we want you to recognize there’s a God, but we want you to receive God 2.0, which is Jesus. So at the end of every service, in just a moment, I’m gonna give you an opportunity to receive Jesus. And once you receive Jesus, the sad truth is, this is where most people stop. They just worry about getting to heaven. And God said, ‘but I came, that you may have life and life to the full.’ And through this series, my prayer is that you would release God 3.0. You would release the Holy Spirit.
h/t to @KriskDubtru for the link
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If anyone reads this who knows Jason Whitlock, former sports reporter, who now host the “fearless“ podcast five nights a week on the Internet, show him this article and other evidence about Mike Todd as he is Whitlock‘s supposedly favorite preacher even though he doesn’t live in Tulsa where Todd’s “ministry“ is based.