Op-Ed: Three Praise Reports from Churches About How Our Ministry Builds the Body: Read if You are a Supporter

While we still love the filthy free-loaders who frequent our site and support us with prayer, our ministry is ultimately kept afloat and supported by our Patrons. They’re the Josephs to our Jacob, while filthy freeloaders are all Reubens, Levis and Zebuluns. We love you all, but we love some more than others, especially the proverbial ‘sons of our old age’ who donate every month.
Because most of you have been with us through thick and thin, we know you’re not offended by our naked pleas for more money, and so we wanted to share what this website and this ministry means to people beyond just you, and what your giving is supporting. We get messages like this from time to time, but here is the impact that your giving has on other brothers and sisters.
Hi Protestia. I Just wanted to share with you a praise report of what The Lord has done through your ministry. I attend a non-denominational church and for years my church has sung your typical worship songs by Hillsong, Elevation and Jesus Culture. I never really had a problem with it until I cam (sic) across your website. After reading some of your posts about the dangers of these groups I brought it to the attention of my Pastor and praise Jesus he was open and receptive to it.
After about six months of wrestling with it, and consulting the worship team, they made the decision to stop singing anything by Hillsong of Jesus culture at all, and instead, we’ve found alternatives to them, including bringing back some hymns even. That was a year ago and recently my pastor made an off-hand comment that it was one of the best decisions they ever made and that there is something about the congregation that he felt was more mature and committed to the church, and the worship team has been challenged to find better worship music with God-glorifying music. Thank you for all you do! Without you, we’d still be singing that garbage, and we’d be worse off for it.
And another
Dear Protestia. My husband and I wanted to thank you for your website and fighting the good fight and wanted to share with you the way the Lord has used you in our lives. About a year ago our pastor started to bring in woke ideologies into the church, talking about racial reconciliation and crt. Only a bit at first, but then wanted the men and women to study books by Jemar Tisby and Jesus and John Wayne.
During his sermon, he started to quote other people like Esau McCauley. Because of your website I was able to show him articles about how woke these people actually are, the things they actually said. When he said my concerns were “unwarranted” you people had video and transcripts that even he could not ignore. We had a two hour long meeting with him and we sat in his office while we scrolled through your website and watched videos and read articles. He said not much then and there, but then three weeks later we noticed that he didn’t quote any woke people in his sermons, and then last week announced that they were going to be choosing a different book to study. I don’t know what the books are yet, but if it’s bad you’ll be my go-to source. On behalf of my church, thank you.
Last, short but sweet.
Thank you for your stand for the righteousness. I shared some articles JD wrote about the pandemic and churches shutting down their doors, and the one about pastors needing to repent and apologize for this sin against the people. We were closed for way longer than I thought we should have, and its really affected me for months. Two weeks ago he and the elders apologized from the pulpit for ever shutting down. I really needed to hear that in order to feel comfortable fully supporting him again, and feel way better about submitting to him, an dother people I talked to said so as well.
If that’s worth $5 or $20 or $50 bucks to you a month, to help us do our small part in our corner of the world to raise the clarion call, you can help it continue.
As always, if you’re not already giving, please consider giving here. If you’re already a supporter, please consider upping it to a higher tier. If you have to choose between giving to us and feeding your family, or giving to us and giving to your church, you’d better NOT give to us. We should be on the last rung of that ladder, not the first. If you’re not a member of a local church, or actively looking to join one, please cancel your subscription and support.
If you can’t give other than through prayers- we are so grateful for any time you spend lifting us up to the Lord. Seriously. We need it, and we covet it, and we thank you for it. You may be from Leah and not from Rachel, but you’re still alright. 😀
While I’m glad they are turning from the CCM music, the comment “bringing back hymns even” is just sad.
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I agree. I also can’t stand churches that have “worship teams.” I, mean, what is that? I understand the concept, but then they go and have “worship leaders” which again, what is that? That is supposed to be the pastor’s job.
Again, like you, I am glad they stopped singing Hillsong, but I think hymns should be the staple at church because most all contemporary Christian music, so-called, is an abomination. Except for maybe a handful of singers.