‘They’re Toddlers!’California Shuts Down Christian Preschool for Violating Mask Mandate

Two children in a pre-school class at Young Horizons play with blocks while wearing facemasks.
(Christian Post) Pastors, politicians and families gathered outside a church preschool in San Diego County to protest against California shutting down the school for violating the state’s COVID-19 mask mandate. The church claims it’s being targeted by regulators.
Foothills Christian Church Preschool in El Cajon was a scene of protest Friday as Republican State Sen. Brian Jones, the city’s Mayor Bill Wells and area pastors gathered along with parents to protest the state’s decision to close the school for not masking the 3 to 5-year-old children.
Additionally, preschool director Tiffany McHugh was suspended from working with children.
The preschool, which has been shut down by the California Department of Social Services Community Care Licensing since Dec. 10, has over 100 kids and has been in operation for six years.
David Hoffman, who senior pastors the church with his brother, Mark, claimed during the demonstration that state representatives visited the daycare over 11 times in the last several months. The visits began after a complaint from a parent.
“Our church used to have a great preschool here,” he said. “We had over 100 students, and we had a waiting list … so large that we were in the process of expanding our preschool.”
“Several months ago, this church, this preschool became a target by the Department of Social Services. Basically, what it boils down to is they were not happy with how many of our children did not have masks on,” he claimed. “They came here…
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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Anugrah Kumar, and posted at Christian Post. Title changed by Protestia
Cloth masks do nothing to stop a virus, even the blue and white “surgical masks” do nothing. Everyone admits this now but the stupid mandates remain.
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Masks sure are a great to train people into submission, aren’t they and to also deny their uniqueness in reflecting the image of God.
Think of the long-term side effects on these children to make them afraid of future invisible Boogeymen. I can’t believe how many mothers and weak men are so easy to fall for this scam.
And even in adults, you can see it as a married couple in my church were both masked up in the morning service but weren’t in the evening? So why were they not at risk at night, and that’s not even to realize that the purpose of masks are supposed to be to prevent other people from catching it even though you don’t have it in the first place and are asymptomatic.
But the government and media keeps telling us you could still have Covid even though you have no evidence of it, unlike any other version of a cold or influenza you might get.
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Parents are sacrificing their children to satan. Making them wear a mask. and jabbing them with poisonous shots is demonic..
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We have 100,000 little kids on respirators because COVID and you domestic terrorists won’t even support masks?? I’m triple VAXXED, wear mine even at home and am advocating masking infants at my local hospital.
Even the criminally stupid know you are lying – there absolutely is not 100K kids on respirators. Quit making stuff up, it only makes you look even dumber than you are – and that’s saying something.
I’m advocating making you wear a clear plastic bag over your head, just in case stupidity can be caught.
You remain a godless dumbass.
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